Chapter 7: The Goodbyes 👋

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I started packing yesterday and by today hopefully I'll get things finalised. Shifting can be horrible at times but interesting as well, I found an earring I didnt know I had, I found myself my eyeliner that had definitely dried out and I also found a childhood poem, I had once written to Mom and Dad.

No one except Mahreen knew I was moving out. I hadn't even informed Sohail since he promised to fetch me up or I could just ring their bell and barge inside.

We hadn't been very close with Uncle Ghana and Aunty Laila. They didn't have a daughter, so we wouldn't go there quite frequently. Ahmed was friend's with Sohail but when Sohail went abroad for further studies, they eventually grew apart. It's been an year since he had returned and decided to get married to Rania, though things didn't work out for them and instead we both got married even though he's five years older than me. So as I am 23, he must be 28. That's not such a big age difference.

"I can't imagine how hard would it be without you. I'll miss sharing room with you." Mahreen's voice cracked.

"I'm glad I won't have to clean up your mess anymore." I teased, I wasn't really in a mood for another emotional scene. My life was already a mess. I had cried the whole night, marrying Sohail, now moving inn with him. It was all a little too much for me but I can't stay here for the rest of my life.

"What if Sohail bhai happens to be a messy guy as well, not everyone is a clean freak." Mahreen chuckled and wrapped her arms around me. A tear rolled down my eye. Indeed I was heartbroken at the thought of leaving this place. My room, my bed, my toilet seat and all the family members.

"How are Mom and Dad?" I asked her, she pulled away and shrugged.

"Pretty much the same. Dad spent his while night in guest room and Mom wouldn't stop stomping her feet at the floor, I'm sure she must've managed to break a few tiles." Mahreen chuckled, I playfully slapped her head.

The problem was going away, I hope they stay good. "Will it help if I go away?" I asked her for suggestion.

She shrugged. "Well now that you belong there, I think you should leave and start accepting things the way they are." Mahreen said, sometimes I wondered whether she was the real elder sister. She was 20 years old but could sound wiser than a 30 year old at times.

"Yeah! Where is Ahmed, I hadn't seen him?" I asked.

"You know he's always late when he's upset. I told him you're planning to leave." Mahreen said. I sighed in frustration, couldn't she have kept it a secret.

"I haven't even texted Sohail yet." I said, it was weird how, Sohail, husband and marriage were the words I never realised I would be taking. "What should I write to him?" I asked Mahreen.

"Hey, how did you get his number?" She playfully raised her brows at me and smirked. "You guys are progressing quicker than I thought." She added.

I slapped her head. "Give that mind of yours a little break." She shrugged and walked out of the room. I grabbed my phone but couldn't think of anything.

Should I text him and tell him to pick me up or just ring there door bell? What if he needs to make some space for me in his room, I must inform him.

Me: Could you come and pick me up?

Dearest husband: From where, text me the address.

Me: From my home.

Dearest husband: I told you I won't be coming there unless I pick you up for my place.

Me: It is.

Dearest husband: You Sure?

Me: Yes, I am.

Dearest husband: I'll pick you on my way back from work at around 5:30pm. Is that fine with you?

Me: Yes, perfect.

I couldn't help but grin, finally the thing that bothered me the most was done. I had told him and now I just had to tell Mom and Dad.

I walked down the stairs with a vibrant smile on my face. They need to believe I was happy and I'll make sure they do. "Mom? Dad?" I called out for them in the main TV lounge, and hopped on the kitchen counter.

"What is it, Samreen?" Dad tiredly walked out of the room and stared at me. "You don't look like someone who came from hospital two days ago?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, Sohail said I need to drink juices he had sent me." I started, Dad's eyes raised up in amusement but then again he stared at the floor.

"Your Mom is right, I'm sorry." I hopped down and wrapped my arms around him.

"I had to get married one day or other, the sooner the better, right? You don't have to blame yourself. I'm happy with my life, this is definitely not the way I planned it but it isn't bad. I don't hate it and I'm sure it will be good now that you've chosen it for me. Allah will bring good into it." I said, Dad's arms tightened around me as I sobbed, little did I know but Dad was crying too.

"Oh my my.. what is all your stuff doing in here?" Mom asked, Dad and I pulled away wiped our eyes.

I sniffed up.  "Oh, yes. I wanted to tell you guys that Sohail will be here to pick me up at 5:30 and I'm going with him." I broke the news and both of them stared at me like I had grown two heads.

"Isn't that too soon?" Mom asked.

"Well, it was suppose to be four day's earlier." I added, my mouth definitely not agreeing with my heart.

"Are you sure?" Dad asked me eyeing Mom.

I wanted to stay, I don't know but unlike last time I didn't say it out loud. "Yeah, I should've gone sooner. Uncle Ghana and Aunty Laila must be expecting me too." I reasoned.

Mom and Dad both agreed to that. They stepped forward asked for my assurance, wrapped their arms around me and gave me their blessing. Finally the both smiled at themselves and three of us hugged together once again. "Why ain't I part of it again?" Whinned Mahreen and joined us, Ahmed also unlocked the main door and joined the hug. It was weird but cute.

We all sat in the Tv lounge and had our tea's and chatted a little until my eyes drew to the clock, it was 15 minutes past 5:30pm. I wondered where Sohail was and why was he late?

"You are eager, you wouldn't stop staring the clock." Ahmed added, everyone else laughed but I couldn't cause I was so freaking scared.

Finally the door bell rung and I hurried to answer it. "I'm not too late, am I?" He said with a plain natural smile.

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