Chapter 28: The Sorrys. 😊

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For another half an hour I sat alone. My phone rang twice but I ignored the rings and focused on wiping my tears with the tissues. I was half laid on the long single couch near my side of the bed when I felt like some grasped the door handle. My heart raised up assuming Sohail must be entering but instead my eyes landed on Aunty Laila.

She walked inside and sat on my side of the bed beside the couch, she gave me faint smile as her eyes landed on a bunch on tissues on the table and my swollen eyes, and pink nose. After crying effects.

"Whatever that just happened today was wrong. The way she talked was definitely inappropriate and no sane wife would've tolerated that but Ghana was also right. They were our guests." She paused and I knew she was here to make her point. I knew she was right but I just felt upset over whatever happened.

I straightened up on the couch and looked at Aunty Laila eyw to eye. "She still likes him.. and wants him back too. I married him because she refused to so it's not my fault that they couldn't get married. It's not like I came between them but now Sohail is my husband. I can't let her have him like a leftover food." I reasoned.

"I understand." She said, I don't know why but after these two words I felt relieved. Like all the burden had been lifted off my shoulders and that resulted in more crying and more shedding of tears.

"He's mine now!" I cried and she stood up to wrap her arms around me. I don't know how these words sounded to her but to me it was unusual and surprisingly not as un acceptable as I thought it would be.

"I know, I scolded Sohail for bringing her here." She added.

"So they were together when she came?" I sniffed.

"No, that's what he tried to explain. She just came at the door and it was inappropriate to kick her out." She reasoned on his behalf.

"Oh.." I muttered, she just patted my back in silence and after ten minutes she planted a soft kiss on my forehead and carefully walked out of the room.

I picked up another tissue to wipe my nose and eyes when the door handle was pushed down again. This definitely must be him, I pretended to fall asleep on the couch and squeezed my eyes close. I could feel the heat of his gaze on my body and my heart skipped a beat. He walked over, I could feel his footsteps closer to me and within a minute a warm blanket fell over me. He adjusted it by pulling it down till my feet and squeezed a bit through my shoulders. I played dumb until he walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind. I immediately opened my eyes to see him standing out the door and staring at me like he had caught me. I shut my eyes in shame for a second then faced him.

"I knew you would avoid me just like you did last time." He said. I had no answer to that, if he knew me well enough he had me under his examination now.

I was out of words but remaining silent would make it rude and awkward. "There isn't much to say so that seemed like the perfect thing to do." I replied honestly.

Sohail didn't quite agree with me, he walked over and sat on my side of the bed and leaned forward towards me. I also straightened and leaned towards him.

"Let's take out a paper and a pen." Sohail suggested. I was totally unaware of the idea crawling up his mind but got off the couch as I looked for a paper whereas he pulled out a pen from his laptop bag.

This time after getting both the things we climbed up on bed Sohail patted on the other side of the bed. "Now?"

"Lets write the things we would be doing to keep our relationship going." He said. I looked up at him in surprise and started thinking. "Number One: No matter how serious the issue is we won't avoid each other. Communication is the key to perfect relation." He jolted his point down.

"Number Two: One partner cannot leave the other until both agree." I said. Sohail looked at me with a different kind of glimmer in his eyes. "What? It's just a suggestion.." I shrugged, dropping my arms on the bed.

"Number Three: Honesty is the best policy. There won't be any secrets that would have an affect on the relationship." He added, I was immediately reminded of my night out with Adam but stayed silent. "Number Four: Cheating on your spouse wouldn't be forgiven." Sohail added another point and felt more ashamed. I wasn't cheating on Sohail but I kept secrets and secrets lead to misunderstandings.

"Number Five: No spouse will force the other for kids, before they understand eachother." I added my point. Sohail heaved a defeated sigh.

"Okay enough for today. We will add more later, for now I need us to discuss on what happened today." Sohail kept the paper aside and held my hand, my eyes lifted up and bore into his as our pupils started dilating. "I apologise for Rania's behaviour." I didn't like it. He didnt own her, he wasn't suppose to apologise on her behalf and it wasn't his fault either.

"It's not your fault." Was all I said.

"I promise you I didn't bring her here. She was the one who came and it was my mistake that I didnt ask her to leave in your absence." He reasoned. His heart warming words once again touched my heart and my heart leaped in happiness.

"I forgive you, I know who you are and how honest you're with me." I reasoned.

"I love you!!" My eyes widened in surprise. I hadn't expected him to say so and when he did I felt sorry that I also felt the same. I felt like I had same feelings but with two different kinds of person and he wasn't the only one who owned it. My eyes filled with tears on his confession and didnt returning his feelings back hurt me more. How I couldn't tell him that I felt the same seemed unfair. He didn't deserve to hear it when it wasn't for him, not completely. My feelings were shared unlike his. "It was kinda cute when you were jealous and how you tried to interwine between the two of us. How you didn't let her grab my hand, how you didn't let her sit beside me and then how you didn't let her say that I belonged to her." He finished. My heart squeezed with happiness.

"I... I-" I wanted say the same words to him, he didnt deserve to feel heart broken but just as I started shuttering he interrupted me.

"You needn't to return my feelings but once you say them just know that you'll be mine then and no one can challenge that, not even you." He paused for a second or two. "Mrs Samreen Sohail. You will be mine, forever." And his gaze intensified.

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