Chapter 29: The Chit-chat 📲

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I missed Adam's third call in the past half an hour and couldn't bring myself to miss another. The decorators weren't here yet and he wanted me to be the messenger between the two.

This would be our first conversation after he had find out about my feelings for him. I didn't want to talk to him and face the awkwardness between the two of us but it was rude to ignore him for long and off course I can't ignore him for the rest of my life so the sooner I face it the better.

"Asalamualaikum Adam.." I greeted though I ended up sounding over confident and overly excited.

"WalaikumaSalam Samreen.. I'm sorry for bothering you but it's just ten days and- Can we meet?" He paused and waited for me to answer. I knew he must be considering my confession and wanted to talk it out before he gets married. I looked here and there, in my office and sighed.

"I have already talked to the decorators my staff will show them the restaurant so they could decorate accordingly." It was better if we remained within the phone region.

"Let's just meet and talk." He insisted. I shut my eyes close and heaved a defeated sigh.

"Fine. You can come to my office tomorrow at 10am." I said.

"No. Why not go to dinner together?" He asked, I knew that wouldn't help however it might complicate things.

"I cannot come for dinner." I refused.

"Then a lunch would be fine but at least we will have a meal together. I'll pick you up at 1pm and drop you before 4pm so Sohail can pick you from work." He added,

"Fine." I agreed and didn't fight back. I shut the phone off and recieved a call from Ahmed. "Yes Sir?" I answered.

"You really have nothing to do at work huh? You already had phone in your hand." Ahmed reasoned cause I answered on his first ring.

"Hahaha.." I mischievously fake laughed.

"I called you for something important DumbAss!" Ahmed made me roll my eyes. "I personally went and talked to Uncle Sajjad about everything." He told.

My eyes widened in disbelief. "OMG!! What did he say?" I asked.

"Why don't you come home and I'll give you the tiny details?" I nodded and agreed to it. It was way more better if we were face to face and could cross question each other.

I shut my phone off and hurried out of the restaurant. I was leaving an our early so I informed my staff and grabbed myself a Taxi home. On my way I also texted Sohail.

Me: Don't pick me up from work! I had to go home, I'll come back home by 6 in the eve.
Sohail: Okay ;)
Me: See you later than.
Sohail: Oh yeah! I might go a pay a visit to Rania.
Me: What? Now?
Sohail: She told me she misses me.
Me: And you're still going?
Sohail: Yeah why?
Me: OMG! You're serious. How can you be so dumb she's trying to steal you, manipulate you so you would dump me and be with her.
Sohail: I'm kidding Woman. Chill!
Me: Chill my Ass. It's your fault that you married me now face it.
Sohail: I was joking.
Me: I know you like her.
Sohail: I did but not anymore.
Me: What if you have a change of heart?
Sohail: Uff Allah, I told you I loved you didn't I?
Me: Yeah!
Sohail: So you're the one who didn't say it. I must be the suspicious one not you.
Me: Okay fine!
Sohail: I'll pick you up. <3
Me: Okay.

I paid the cab driver as he dropped me outside the door, Ahmed opened the door just as I rung the bell, I hurried inside as he followed after me with his arm wrapped around my shoulder. We both walked inside and hopped on the kitchen counter.

"Come on now speak up!" I asked.

"Urgh! You're restless." He said.

I slapped his thigh. "I have something to tell you as well."

"So you're basically turning this back on me?" Ahmed asked suspiciously with a wink.

I rolled eyes away and struck my tongue out at him. "Uff Allah! Speak up! Drama Queen!" I screamed with annoyance.

"Uncle Sajjad is heart patient so he came to our hospital for regular check up when I bumped into him. I asked him for a cup of coffee so we both walked into the cafeteria. Perhaps he was the one who brought up the topic and insisted on asking why we both never visited them." Ahmed paused and took a deep breath.

"Oh wait. I need to tell you something.. Adam knew we were coming to visit uncle Sajjad and it was something personal so I made up a story about Mom being unwell and how she has been having nightmares." I explained.

"You need to cut short on those hideous novels of yours." He chuckled.

"Yeah lol! I couldn't think of anything at the moment. Oh and one more thing?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He hesitantly asked.

"Adam found out that I had feelings for him when we spent the night at hotel. Amna was always suspicious of my feelings and when Adam matched the dots then BANG!!" The way I narrated the story was non serious but it was actually something to be worried about.

"Oh my goodness!" Ahmed dropped his head on the kitchen counter and whinned. "You should've told me that before.." he complained.

"I know I was preoccupied with things and then this stupid Rania showed up. Oh you were telling me about Uncle Sajjad."

"I don't feel like telling you anything now but anyways. I told Uncle Sajjad about your temporary infatuation as a teenager. He kept listening and nodding to what I had to say and you would be surprised to hear what he said in the end before he stood up to leave?"

"Yeah what?" I asked, thrilled.

"He said he always wanted you as his daughter in law but it was Adam who fell in love with the wrong person." My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. I gulped in the fact that he felt the same but I didn't feel happy as I would've two or three weeks ago. "Aunty Saima told him a lot about you and how you had been upset on their engagement, how you started skipping meals and how heart broken you were." I bit my lip and stared at him.

"These kinds of things are better kept secretive." Ahmed reasoned for a purpose and I knew he was right. He always is.

"Well I am glad you talked, I feel like it was good that I wasn't with you. It would've been so awkward." I said.

"I know." He agreed. "What did Adam say when you told him?"

"I did not tell him anything Amna was already suspicious of me he just guessed correctly and the way I reacted assured everything. I had the look on my face where you are caught red handed." I reasoned.

"And Sohail doesn't know a thing??" Ahmed asked, I knew where he was going so I accepted the fact that I'm the one at fault with him. I shook my head in guilt. "Samreen this is not right." He added. I couldn't say anything in defence so I just nodded. "I'm your brother and I have been telling you this from a very long time. Sohail and your relationship hasn't developed yet, the more you complicate things the more problems you'll be facing." Ahmed reasoned.

"I want to help Adam with the wedding and I'm scared if I tell Sohail anything about it he might not understand." I reasoned back.

Ahmed took my hand into his. "You might lose Sohail's trust in the whole process, there might be no turning back Sam." He added.

"Yeah!" I muttered.

"He's trying to put effort in your relation, you should too." He gave his word of advice, leaving me wondering. "He's a great guy, he's not worth the risk and as far as Adam is concerned, he's happy in his life. Don't be a jerk."

"I know." I said wrapping my arms around him. "One mustn't fall in love before marriage, cause you know what? You start imagining your future with that person and its heart breaking when that person isn't a part of your future and instead there's someone totally new."

"New but better." Ahmed added, leaving a peck on my forehead.

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