Chapter 13: The Tour 👀

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One the very next day to work, seeing Adam with his fiancee in my restaurant wiping ketchup off each other lips was the last thing I wanted to see. Why after marrying Sohail, I end up seeing him? I didn't see him much before and now seeing him every single time reminds me, it hits me with the fact that he's not mine, the very thought is enough to wince my heart in pain.

Did I do the right thing by not confessing my feelings to him? I couldn't have made a fool of myself after knowing that he had a crush on Amna every since college. Why do people get to marry their crushes, why can't you marry the one you have fallen for?

As a manager of this restaurant, I went on my round and asked all the guests if they disliked anything here or was there any chance of improvement. At last I walked to the table I had been avoiding. Why didn't they leave while I was on round.

"Asalamualaikum, Adam and Amna. I didn't expect you guys here." I greeted. Adam's eyes lifted up to me and he smiled, my eyes bore into his but I forced myself to look away and shook Amna's hand instead.

"You're his cousin, right?" She asked, I looked at her, what was I standing against. She was more beautiful than me in every sense, she had that million dollar smile everyone would fall for and Adam was definitely a victim. Her hairs were long and curled up with a curler. Fine and light make up touches made her look even more gorgeous. She was wearing a dark grey shirt with black tulip shalwar and her hairs tied up in a lose scarf. "The one who helped with the lehenga?" She asked.

I nodded and smiled at her. "Yes, I'm that cousin who helped Adam with your outfit." I added.

"It was beautiful, I knew Adam's sense of fashion was blah blah..!" She giggled at her fiancee and winked.

Adam was so in love. He chuckled and couldn't stop staring at her and the jealous me just walked away. Without asking how did they like the service here. I walked back into my room and threw myself on the comfy office chair.

Just as I shut my eyes, my door was knocked and a waiter walked in before I even straightened from the relaxing position I was in. "Ma'am you took the day off yesterday."

"Yes I know" I added with scrunched brows.

"A lady came and booked our hotel for her daughter's birthday." He informed.

"When?" I asked.

"That's three weeks from now." He said, that's close to Adam's wedding.

"Date?" I asked.

"2nd of April." He stated.

"Shit! That's just one day before Adam's wedding. It's gonna get hectic." I said.

"Exactly, but since birthdays happen on the day of birth I cannot ask her to prepone or postpone it." I nodded at him, and soon with a brief nod he walked away, clicking the door shut behind. I pulled back on my chair and heaved a long sigh. Work! Work! And more work!

I got married to Sohail on 28 February, I went to live with him to his place on 4 March, Today it is 8 March and the birthday is on 2 April, just one day before the big day on 3rd April. Ugh!!

I closed my diary after adding 2nd April's birthday to it and walked out. I sat in my office rearranged the files date accordingly and sighed.

Dearest husband: I'm free. I can pick you up if you're free?

The dearest husband was too cringe worthy, I just changed his contact to 'Sohail'. Or was this too plain? He might find it upsetting that besides being my husband, I have saved his number just like anyone else. But I wasn't too close to him yet. Saving it as 'Honey' to be to overexaggerated. After a bit of thinking I just let it stay as 'Sohail'.

Sohail: I'm leaving should I come or not?

I was too confused, I just didn't want to see him right now. My mind was still stuck at what I saw in the morning, and Adam wouldn't leave my mind at peace. I wanted to go home, my home and rest a little.

Me: No, thanks. I have work, I'll be late.

I stood up, grabbed my bag, walked out of the restaurant and grabbed a cab. Within 30 minutes I was at my parent's door. I rung the bell but the door wouldn't open and somehow I was losing my temper. I was frustrated and hated my life to the fullest and the door wasn't opening and then seeing Adam and Amna together was the last thing I ever wanted.

The door was finally opened, Mahreen had a huge smile on her face when she spotted me. "Salam, Samreen. Oh God! I missed you. I never thought I would though." She pulled her arms out to held me in embrace but I just shrugged her off and forced a smile.

"I'm tired, Mahreen." I dryly reasoned.

She stared at me, her eyes scanned me from head to toe. "Did Sohail say something to you?" She asked, her voice laced with concern.

"No he's too kind.. I just.... forget it anyways.. life sucks!" I muttered walking past her.

"You bumped into Adam. Right?" She asked, I turned to face her. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Who told you?" I asked.

"Its obvious, you look pale and annoyed." She added like reading me was as simple as that.

"Where's Ahmed?" I asked, and walked inside, threw my bag on the kitchen counter. I hoped on one of the stools and stared at Mahreen. She walked inside the kitchen.

"He had night duty. Wanna have something to eat?" She asked, I was impressed. She was hosting me now, and I kinda felt like a guest here.

"I'm a little hungry, I skipped lunch." I added. She opened the fridge and took whatever seemed right while I stared at my little sister who has grown up.

"So where did you see him?" She asked.

"At my restaurant, having a breakfast date with Amna." I answered with a boring shrug.

"Urgh! Even worse. The bitch was there too." She groaned and I couldn't help but chuckle at her. She heated the food in microwave and served me what they had prepared for lunch and it was chicken roasted with white rice and peas. I started digging into the food.

"Where are Mom and Dad though?" I asked, with my mouth stuffed with chicken and rice.

"Dad's friend died of heart attack last night. They have gone for condolence. They'll be back in an hour or so by now." She had and hoped in the stools with me, with one spoon in her hand she started having my rice, I playfully rolled my eyes at her before we continued eating. It was so great to be back home.

"Oh! That's sad. Well what are you upto these days?" I asked.

"I like this guy in my class!" She blurted in out and before even opening up to me, she started blushing.

The spoon slipped from my hands into the plate. "And when were you going to tell me this?" I playfully lifted my brow.

"His name is Zahid." She started. "Everything was perfectly normal, until my teacher put us into same groups. It's not like its just the both of us but we are six all together, with two guys and four girls. Zahid texted me my part of the project since the teacher made him the group leader. So-"

"Oh my goodness, Mahreen just come to the good part!!" I excitedly screamed.

"That's all" my eyes almost popped out of my sockets. Is this something wrong with this girl or is there something wrong with my ears?

"That's all?? Really?" I asked.

"What? I like a guy and he texted me. What else do you want?" She asked back, I hit my head with my palm and grabbed her cheeks like I was pacifying her.

"My sweet little dumb sister, he text you the topics. Not a love note." I reasoned.

"At least we've started texting." I smiled and nodded at her. My cute dumb little sister.

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