- 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒 -

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It was raining again, lights were turned off everywhere except for a few houses, The moon was lightning the roads, mellow and radiant. We were just walking side by side, not saying a word while our eyes said everything. Ethan didn't look at me, not for once but i felt how much he wanted to ask thousands and thousands of questions, just turn around, sit down ,talk and ask questions but do i have an answer for all of this questions? if we don't mention everything above, it felt just like two years ago, Same excitement, Same feelings, Same rain..
" Ethan i know you probably hate me.." i broke the silence until he stopped me.
" I don't hate you Marlena, i never did and i never will you just.." Ethan stopped, god he looks so beautiful while the rain is wetting his long dark hair. " i just need to explain everything" i said because that was the only thing that was stopping us and everything in general to be exactly how it was two years ago. " Maybe we should go somewhere else? its pouring outside" i added, " oh yeah..i forgot about the rain" He said with a smile, my heart got warmer.
After walking in the silence for a few more minutes both of us  realized, we didn't know where we were going. " Hey Mar.."
I couldn't hide my smile i haven't heard him call me mar for months, Everybody calls me that but..not everybody is Edgar..my Edgar.
" i was thinking maybe we should go to my place, drink some hot tea and talk", "sure" i replied and we started walking in the direction of his house. Wondering around the streets in the middle of the night, never felt better. And finally we were inside, i was completely wet but didn't have anything to change so i just took my shoes off and entered the house. " i will go change..i can give you my shirt if you want to" Ethan offered politely,as always. " no..its okay, it will get dry soon", " Marlena you are soaked.. here take this" He threw a shirt in my hands, i went inside the bathroom and got changed, this shirt smelled exactly like him. " Tea is ready!" Ethans voice brought me back from my imagination, i quickly fixed messy hair and got out. " Ethan?..Ethan." I called for him twice, since he was no where to be seen. " out here" Ethan called from a balcony, i got out there and saw, flowers in a little pots hanging out of the balcony handle, Ethan sitting in a chair, topless , smoking a cigarette " want one?" he offered, " no thank you" i replied while looking up at the sky, " yeah you don't smoke..how could i forget" Ethan said with a ironical tone but quickly neutralized his sassiness with offering a cup of tea " drink it..it will warm you" he added. So i took the cup and sat down, after all this time, i was about to reveal the truth.
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"Marlena please..don't go" Ethan yelled after Marlena told him about her decision to leave. He never cared about love before, mainly because no one truly understood him but after she came into his life, everything changed, if his days were black and grey before, it was all colorful after her appearance until she left..now everything was black again.
"Why are you leaving..why.." He asked again as Marlena picked her bag up and was about to leave. " Trust me its better for everyone..i love you Ethan" she said and left.

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" It was the hardest decision for me to leave you Ethan but trust me.." , " It was better for everyone? yeah i have heard that sentence before but still..you are not telling me why you left only saying things that i already know" Ethan said with anger. " Remember when i went to see a doctor because my head always hurt, my memory wasn't the best.." i sighed, " yes you told me it was just because of the stress.." Ethan lit his third cigarette, " that was the only lie i could come up with" i said in one breath as he looked up at me and just stared. " it's cancer..i had cancer." A tear dropped down his face, he took my arm kissed it and said " i am sorry Marlena..i am so sorry..how could i not see that you were in pain, i am such a dumbass!" Ethan kicked the table from all the anger he felt at once. " i didn't want you to see how i was dying so i thought leaving you would make everything better but i was wrong..i just fucked everything up and lost you..all of you" Ethan calmed himself down and hugged me, tightly, i started crying. " shh don't cry..what about now? how are you feeling now?" he asked while holding me even tighter and tighter. " much better but i still have to do some blood tests, hopefully everything will be okay but i don't care about that until i am with you" i kissed him on the lips, it felt like i was doing that for the first time but for the last time too.
That night i stayed with Ethan, we talked a lot, laughed, hugged , kissed , cuddled everything that i missed very much. After a few hours i fell asleep on his chest..it was awesome until a call from Anna woke me up.
" Fuck An i am so sorry, i will come home soon" i quickly said while i tried not to wake Ethan up. " No no its okay..Mar dr.nick called.. he said that the results of your blood test are back..Marlena he said we must visit him."

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