One Heart

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"I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Black."

Our friends and family cheer loudly as Jake leans in and plants a love filled kiss to my lips, we both pull away smiling before he pulls me into another shorter one causing the pack to wolf whistle making me laugh at their antics. We walk back down the aisle, hand in hand as we officially begin our new lives together as one, and the feeling of joy in this moment is so much I have a hard time putting it into words. I just know that everything that happened in my past lead me here. Even when it was painful and too much to bare..I wouldn't be making one of the best decisions of my life today.

"Congratulations!" Emily is the first to run up to us, embracing me in her signature hug before she gives one to Jake, her smile and excitement infectious to those around her. Sam is then able to get his turn, giving Jake a hand shake before giving him a hug--his welcome into our family, before turning to me with a wide smile, but tears in his eyes.

"I'm so happy for you, Addy. I'm so proud of you and the incredible woman you've grown up to be. You two deserve this and all the happiness in the world." He holds me tightly and I try to suppress the tears as I feel them build at my uncles heartfelt words. 

"Thank you Sam. For everything you've done for me since I've been here. I wouldn't have been able to make it this far without you." I place a loving kiss on his cheek, incredibly thankful for and blessed by my uncle.

Sam smiles at us, and grasping Emily by her hand, he takes her to the makeshift dance area on the sand and begins to slow dance with his love. I smile at them until Jake squeezes my hand, and he places another kiss on my lips as I turn to face him making me giggle as he grins at me. We walk to where his father and sisters are sitting and the grin on Billy's face is something I don't think I've seen in a very long time.

"My son, I'm so overjoyed to see you this happy. You two deserve each other and all the happiness in the world." Jake leans down to give his father a tight hug, tears welling in his brown  eyes, knowing this means a lot to the both of us, but to Jake especially--after the last couple years and how he acted toward his dad. After they separate, Billy grins kindly and gestures with his hands to come into his hug which I do and he squeezes me tightly.

"I'm so glad he found you Adelaide. He needed someone like you in his life. Thank you for loving my son so unconditionally." He whispers to me, and I can only nod, knowing words wouldn't make it around the lump in my throat as I try to keep the tears at bay, again.. We pull away both smiling, before I'm captured into another hug, this time by one of his sisters.

"Congratulations! I can't believe my little brother is married! It's so incredible to finally meet you too!" This bubbly sister introduces herself as Rebecca, and hugs Jake and I few more times just chatting about life outside of the Rez and how perfect it was to come back for a wedding, and it's almost unbelievable that this girl could be related to the laidback Blacks that I know, but she makes me laugh at her excitement.

"Congrats you two." 

His other sister Rachel says pulling us into light hugs, completely opposite from her sister that I would've never guessed they were twins by their attitudes alone. Paul suddenly comes to her side, and that's when I remember hearing that Paul had imprinted on Jake's sister and they've been dating ever since. If I am being honest, I would've never saw this pairing happen because their personalities are so different, and I've never seen Paul act brotherly towards Jake.. Before I can think too much on it, Leah, Seth and Sue come up to congratulate us next.

"Addy, I'm so incredibly happy for you! I'm glad you finally found your happy ending." Leah says as she pulls me into a tight hug as the others talk with Jake, before we switch and Sue pulls me into a tight embrace.

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