What's Next

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The boys decide it will be easiest to run to the Cullen's and so they shift, Jake letting me ride his back along the way. I feel a little silly, but enjoy finally being included and able to protect those I love instead of sitting on the sidelines. As we get closer to the house, Seth greets us out front with Edward and Carlisle not too far behind. I stand beside a now human Jake, giving a small smile to Seth I pay attention to what my uncle has to say.

"We will stand with you. Whether as witnesses or to fight. The pack protects their own." Edward nods his thanks while Carlisle voices his.

"Alice asked me to give you that. She and Jasper crossed our lands to the ocean last night." Sam hands a crumpled piece of paper to Carlisle, and I see the group deflate a bit at the news.

"She says they will be here by the time the snow sticks to the ground. So rest up and prepare, we will gather as many witnesses as we can."

Carlisle says and Sam nods before nodding back to the boys and beginning to head back. Jake holds us in place just a while longer so he can talk with Seth and Leah about patrols and what to do about all these vampires coming towards Forks.

"Adelaide." I turn to see it was Bella that said my name, and I raise a brow in surprise. "Thank you, for being a witness for my daughter. It means a lot."

"I'd do anything to help Seth, and she's just a child, she doesn't deserve what's going to happen." I say before walking towards my husband, knowing there's nothing else I have to say to her.

"Addie, would you like to meet Ness?" Seth asks as I join them, and realize that's another reason why Jake stayed behind. I nod, taking Jake's hand as we follow Seth inside to the surprisingly inviting living room.

"Hey Ness, I want you to meet a couple friends of mine." He smiles widely as a girl who looks to be 6 or 7 turns to him with a smile, giving us one as well. "This is Jake and Addie, and they're very excited to meet you."

"It's nice to finally meet you Nessie." I squat down to her height and she goes in for a hug before placing her little, warm hand on my cheek.

I see Seth looking distraught in the same living room before coming closer and his eyes have a familiar shift to them, before changing to a scene with Seth in wolf form catching snowflakes in the clearing by the house. The scene blurs out with a mix of what looks like a complicated and distressed birth.

I look down at the little girl in my arms in amazement. "What a wonderful gift you have."

"Thank you." She smiles up at me, proud of herself and the fact that I wasn't afraid. "Seth said you have one too?" She asks in excitement, and I shake my head at Seth before smiling and opening my hand and willing the air around me to form a small tornado in my palm.

"Wow! That's amazing!" She celebrates the trick before introducing herself to Jake with a sweet smile.

"You're quite the unique little girl Nessie, you'll definitely keep our Seth on his toes."

Jake smiles and I do as well, glad to see this little girl who caused so much stress before she was even earth-side is being welcomed by at least some of the pack. She smiles between the three of us, before being called over by her mother for bed and I watch as Seth smiles after her.

"Are we sure the others will listen to us?" I ask quietly, not wanting any harm to befall on this sweet little girl.

"We're going to have to hope so." Jake wraps an arm around me and once we bid Seth goodnight, we begin our walk back to the house.

We walk back in a thoughtful silence, my mind working on ways to be helpful during this confrontation, and to protect this poor girl. I'm hoping my forcefield can expand well enough to be a protective barrier between us and them...

"What's on your mind Love?"

"I'm just hoping we'll be able to protect everyone if need be.. I feel bad that something so terrifying is happening to a child.." I shrug, felling bad for Renesmee and hoping this will patch things between the pack and the Cullen's–for Seth's sake.

"I know Ads. But we'll all be able to get through this."

After a little more time, we finally make it home and I wrap myself in Jake's arm, just needing a hug after today. He comfortingly runs a warm hand through my hair and down my back, before bringing my chin up to him and giving me a sweet, but passionate kiss. Goosebumps raise along my arms as he runs his arms along them before slowly moving us upstairs toward our bedroom.

We spend the rest of the evening together in our own bubble of bliss, before we have to start really thinking about what's to come. And hoping we all make it out.

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