Most Wonderful Time of the Year....Right?

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Christmas is quickly making its way to the Pacific Northwest and I'm caught between being stressed about the incoming vampires, and not knowing what to get everyone for Christmas.. Of course I've been told not to worry about gifts, but that's not who I am as a person and I love being able to spoil those I love at least a couple times a year. So I gather and wrap the things I've amassed so far, realizing I have nothing for Jake or my uncle...I text Emily in hopes to gain ideas from her and attempt to brainstorm things for someone who always says, having me makes him happy cute as it is, it doesn't help me at all. I spend a couple hours planning a possible get away for the two of us before I have to shut the computer off because I think the increased screen time has triggered a migraine, making me nauseous and I lay back on the couch for a bit.

"Hey babe!-- You okay Addy?" The front door opens and shuts as Jake asks his question in one breath.

"Shhh.." I shush him while covering my eyes waiting for the feeling to pass. I feel him sit gently beside me, pressing a small kiss to the side of my head as he patiently waits for me to uncover my face. Some more time passes before the feeling finally goes away and I slowly uncover my eyes and turn to look at my husband with a small smile.

"Sorry, I think the computer gave me a migraine right before you came home."

"You don't have to be sorry. Are you sure you're okay?" I nod slightly and he kisses me fully this time. "Are you feeling up to dinner? If not we can reschedule." I take a deep breath.. I had completely forgotten about dinner with his family since his sisters are in town for the holiday, and I know how important this is to him.

"I'm better now. I don't want us to miss out on dinner." I nod slowly before sitting up and carefully getting to my feet, he supports me before raising a brow.

"I promise I'm fine. Let's go see your family." I smile and place a kiss on his cheek. He grabs my hand, leading me to the car and opening my door for me. "Are you excited to be spending this time with your sisters?"

"I'm not too sure how I really feel about them suddenly wanting to spend time with us." He shrugs, and I wait for him to explain, watching him drum his fingers on the steering wheel.

"After mom died, they seemed distant–which makes sense, but they were quick to leave Dad and I. Offering no support, having very little contact with us, and hardly came back to visit. Suddenly I get married, and our family is finally doing well, they decide they want to be a part of things.. I dunno..I might be overthinking things, I just find it weird."

"I understand, and I see where your hesitations are coming from. Could it be a genuine interest though? That after all this time they feel bad and want to make amends." He shrugs, but kisses the back of my hand.

"I love that about you. Seeing the positive in everyone. It might be, but I just have a hard time believing that and it's probably just old bitterness that I need to work through." I run my thumb over his fingers comfortingly, knowing all too well the feeling of bitterness.

"We can work through that together, okay? It'll be alright." He kisses my hand before parking in front of his dad's and he sends a smile in my direction.

"Thank you Love."

Grabbing the gifts out of the back of the Rabbit, he grabs the front door and opens it for me before following me in. The small house is filled with the smell of turkey, corn bread, and other wonderful smells that makes it feel like home and it makes me smile.

"Addy! Jake! I'm so glad you two could make it." Billy greets us, bringing me into a hug first while Jake sets down the gifts before wrapping his father in a warm embrace.

"You know we'd never miss it." Jake smiles and I know that's a slight dig to his sisters.

"Come in and sit! Dinner is almost ready."

Billy beams and I know he is enjoying having all of his kids together for a holiday again. This revelation makes my heart sad, that Billy has been through so much for his children and tried so hard to keep his family from falling apart and none of it seemed to matter until recently. I hope that Jake can enjoy tonight for his fathers sake and I hope that the spirits will change the hearts of his sisters to be softer towards the two men.

"Adelaide! Would you like anything to drink?" Rachel asks as I make my way into the living room, and she holds up a glass of wine.

"I'm just going to stick to water right now, but thank you." I answer nicely remembering the nausea spell I had before we came over.

"Everything's just about ready if you guys wanna find spots at the table?" Rebecca peaks her head around the corner, and we all file in to the small dining area.

I help to set plates at each of our spots, as the girls bring in the finished dishes and Jake grabs glasses for everyone. Food is passed around, glasses are filled with a variety of drinks and Billy simply radiates joy from his seat at the head of the table.

"May our ancestors bless our family with joy, prosperity, and love this year. They have given me so many blessing this year." Billy smiles at me and then to his daughters. "May their goodness and protection surround our family, and bring many more blessings to this table."

He finishes with a smile to each of us, and Jake squeezes my hand under the table before we dig in to this wonderful meal. Smiles and laughter are passed around during the meal, and thankfully I see Jake relax just the slightest bit and I have a feeling this year will start many good traditions to come and the drama from this last year seems so trivial now, for that I'm thankful.

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