The Making of More Drama

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Well that conversation didn't go in the direction I thought it was going! I guess that's what happens when you're so used to people breaking your heart..

I wonder if this is what Da was talking about, that La Push would change my life, and it's been for the better.

It's been about a week or two since then and things have gotten a bit more intense..the red headed bloodsucker has been crossing between our land and the Cullen's, making everyone on edge.

The boys are gone now, dealing with her and Emily and I are "forbidden from leaving the house", can ya tell Sam's over protective?

Suddenly I hear the revving of a motorcycle engine, and I can tell it's Jake by the way the clutch pops, making me grin. I run to the window, to see if the other boys have joined him and the smile drops from my face as Miss Debbie-Downer slides off his bike.

My mood instantly drops and I head back to the kitchen to help Emily, not really wanting to deal with her today. Not after everything going well with Jake.

"Is it Jake?" I simply hum in response as I work on the turnover filling.

"Oh...with Bella?" She asks and I just simply raise my eyebrows in exasperation, making her also hum with interest.

"Em? Addy?" I'm saved from responding as all the guys come through the back door.

"Hey Jake, where's Addy? Oh. Hey Bella."

I hear Embry ask, and tension seems to build in the room once everyone realizes she's here. This makes me snigger a little, knowing all the boys don't like her and the drama she causes.

"Oh Quil, you too?"

"Yup. Finally made the pack."

I can feel the awkward air begin to thicken, and part of me doesn't wanna butt in and let em suffer, I chuckle at the thought.

"Hey, can I have one of you help me with these?" I ask in general, poking my head out from the kitchen, and then I get an evil idea.

"Hello Love." I say with a smile at Jake, making him smile at me, and I don't miss the glare from his friend.

"Morning Ads. What're you makin'?" He asks coming closer before she gently grabs his elbow.

"Jake, can we go talk?" His smile drops at her question, and I raise a brow at her boldness.

"Alright. I'll be back in a bit Love." He leaves a kiss on the cheek before following his friend out of the door.

"You know, that was very evil of you." Embry says as grabs a tray of turnovers and puts them in the oven.

"I know, but she's the one who keeps throwing herself at my boyfriend and she needs to know that Jake is no longer interested." I say busying myself with my baking, not wanting to think about what they could be talking about.

~Jake P.O.V. ~

"This fighting with my girlfriend has got to stop Bella. I know we've been friends for a while, but Addy is going—"

"Addy doesn't even like me Jake! And she's been trying to keep you away...I don't ever see you anymore!" I sigh not wanting to go through this again.

"Do you maybe think it has something to do with your boyfriend being back? Bella, you need to get your priorities straight, I'm not your boyfriend, and I don't think Edward appreciates the obsession with me and my imprint."

"It isn't an obsession Jake! I'm worried. I'm worried I won't ever see you again. I know you aren't my boyfriend but you're my friend Jake. And the fact that this girl, who is apparently your imprint, has pulled you away from your friends isn't good!"

"Bella. How many times do I have to tell you? Addy isn't keeping me from anyone! If anything, this drama with the red headed bloodsucker is keeping me away more. Bella, I'm sorry, but I can't keep—"

I'm cut off mid sentence by her lips being forcefully pushed onto mine. And my instincts kick in immediately pushing her away.

"What the hell Bella?! Are you out of your mind?" I shake my head, putting more space between the two of us as she looks at me innocently.

"Let's go. I'm taking you back to your boyfriend." My anger quickly growing, hoping no one will find out about this... Addy would hate me..

"Wait Jake.."

"No Bella. What just happened isn't okay. To Edward or to Addy. I'm done with this. Let's go."

I get her back to the bike only for Sam to text me to meet at the house making me more tense.

"You're lucky, we're headed back to Sam's. It'll give you enough time to think of something to tell your boyfriend."

And with that I head back, hoping this hasn't screwed up everything..

*Im back!! Sorry it's been so long! Thank you for sticking with me! Also, thought I'd leave you all with this :P

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