Love Won't Let Me Leave

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*Here's a nice, kinda long chapter to get us into all the drama of Breaking Dawn! Hope you all enjoy!!

The next morning, I decide to get up at a decent time and knowing that Jake doesn't have patrol this morning, I make the short walk to his house only to become slightly nervous as I reach his door. Hoping everything goes as well as I believe it will, I take a deep breath and knock lightly. It isn't long before I hear the wheels of Bully's chair on the hard wood floor, and the door opens.

"Adelaide, hello dear." Billy greets with a large smile, opening the door so that I can get through and he shuts it before leading me to the kitchen table. He offers coffee while asking how I've been, and as I decline the coffee I ask if Jake is still sleeping.

"He is, but I'm sure he'd be glad you were able to stop by." He sends me a knowing wink, and I simply nod with a smile.

Walking the short distance to Jake's small bedroom, I open the door as quietly as possible to look upon a scene I haven't seen since Jake had his accident. I smile at the sleeping form of my fiancé, his russet face calm with sleep, laying on top of the covers because his wolf genes make him too hot for blankets. I make my way to his side, placing a soft kiss on his temple and watch as a small smile pulls at his lips and his eyes slowly open.

"Ad-Addy?" I simply smile at him, causing him to fully wake and sit up slightly to give me more room to sit. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I would come see you, and we could talk for a while?" I phrase as a question suddenly unsure again of my decision to be here.

"Absolutely! Of course!" He rushes out, and it makes me giggle a little thankful that he's no longer upset.

"Thank you." I rush out as we began to drift into an uncomfortable silence, but this only causes his brow to furrow. "For taking what I said to heart, and...and it seems like we're better for that." He encases my hands in both of his warm ones, and the warmth spreads throughout my body and I'm even more sure now than I was before that we are going to be okay.

"Thank you, for being brutally honest with me. For pointing out the things that I needed to work on in order for us to have a successful relationship and future marriage, and I really think it was good for us to really appreciate us." The silence is comfortable again as we smile softly at each other, before I lean in for a long awaited kiss. It's soft and sweet, full of all the emotion that's been building in this time.

"I love you Adelaide Turner. More than my words could possibly convey."

"As I love you, Jacob Black."

We enjoy the company of each other and being together again before his stomach begins to growl and we decide to make our way out to the kitchen. As we get to the main part of the house we are met with the presence of Charlie and Sue Clearwater and I remember there's a fishing trip for them later today.

"Hey, Son." Billy greets Jake as we slowly come to a stop in the small dining room. I feel Jake tense slightly at the atmosphere in the room, and place my hand in between his shoulder blades.

"What's going on?" Billy looks apprehensive, and I immediately know it's about Bella...

"Bella called him." Charlie turns at that point, greeting us with a small, slightly awkward smile.

"Hey haven't seen you in a while, how are you two doing?" I just smile slightly at him, not really knowing him as well as Jake.

"We've been good. So, you finally heard from Bella?" Jake jumps right to it, but his response is different now. It's like the emotions are no longer there, and he's asking out of a point of needing to know for the safety of the pack.

"They're extending their trip. Seems she caught a bug. They wanna wait until she feels better before they travel." I can tell Charlie is worried and I'm not so sure he believes the Cullen's lie one hundred percent, and that raises the suspicions of every one else in the room.

"So she's sick?" I grab a hold of Jake's hand in comfort, feeling him tense at Charlie's words, the inflection of his words not lost on me.

"Yeah, she told me not to worry, but she sounded, I dunno off." Charlie shrugs, and Billy is quick to comfort his friend even though I have no doubt he too believes in the worst outcome.

"She'll be okay Charlie. C'mon let's eat. Jake and Addie, you're more than welcome to join us." He says with a pointed look at Jake, but Jake just sends a reassuring look to his father.

With that I can tell Jake is going to go check on her, which I's part of the treaty, and so with a sad but sweet smile I thank Billy for the offer and as Jake leaves I head to Sam's not really knowing what else to do.

~~Jake's POV~~

I kiss Addy quickly before going behind the tree line to shift, knowing I must find out what is truly going on with Bella to protect my pack and my imprint. This time, I can tell it's different, there's no confusing emotions or other reasons to go see Bella, like there has been in the past, and I'm even more grateful for Addy and our decision to work through these things I had no idea I was dealing with. I make for the Forks town line, and quickly move towards the farther forest, following the sickeningly sweet scent of bloodsucker. As I get closer, I begin to breathe through my mouth, the stench becoming overwhelming and a pit suddenly begins to settle in my stomach. Shifting back and changing into my clothes, I quickly make it up the front steps and knock impatiently on the door.

"Hello Jacob--" The doctor greets, but I move by him hurriedly hoping to see Bella.

"ls it true?" I question, as Carlisle just shuts the door behind me, and I see the rest of the bloodsuckers in the living room.

" Hello, Jacob, how are you?" Blondie asks sarcastically and I just roll my eyes at her, not caring to be a part of her banter.

" Listen, just give it to me straight." Not wanting to spend any more time here than necessary, I just wanna know what happened and why she's lying to Charlie.

"Jake, is that you?" I hear weakly come from the other room, and I raise a brow.

"She's here?"

"They came home two weeks ago." Blondie responds and I make my way into the next room where I see Bella sitting on the couch behind the guard of the blonde vampire.

"Jake. I'm glad you came." She says weakly, and I can barely tell that there is a small in her voice, and the pit in my stomach worsens substantially. I attempt to walk closer to Bella only to be blocked by the sudden overprotective bloodsucker, and my irritation rises.

"Close enough." She snarls, and I want to know why this chick thinks she can tell me what to do.

"What's your problem?" I snap back, already wanting to leave this place and head home.

"Rose, it's okay." Bella nods, and I'm stopped in my tracks when I finally get a good look at her... Bella is the color of washed out ash, and her skin is pulled so tightly across her face, I'm almost afraid her bones might just cut through the frail tissue. I sit next to her on the couch, careful not to sit too close, I'm afraid that the slightest of touch is gonna hurt her.

"You look terrible." I attempt to say with a small laugh hoping to not make it sound so bad.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you, too." She scoffs lightly, but attempts a small smile pulling the skin even tighter across her face.

"So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" I get right to the point, not wanting to waste anymore time and play whatever game she's trying to play.

"Rose, you wanna help me up?"

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