My New Home

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It's been about two weeks since the accident and I was released a week ago, looking like death. My normal tan skin pale as snow, I haven't eaten anything, and my eyes hold no life like they used to..

Strangely my mum doesn't seem too worried, but I don't blame her. She's probably disgusted to be around me, after all I'm the reason her husband is dead..

"Adelaide, pack up your stuff. We're moving to the states." She says coming to my door, no emotion on her face I just nod.

No point in asking where, if she won't give me an answer. I pack everything I own, making my room as empty as I have felt since that day. Bringing it down stairs I see my mum only packed one suitcase. Maybe she'll come back for the other stuff I dunno.

"Where are we living in the states Mum?" She flinches at my voice, not sure why but whatever, we start to put my things in the boot of the car and head to the aero port.

"We're going to stay with my brother Sam in Washington until we can find a place there." I realize how different this will be.

I'm so used to the warmth and sunshine and now we're moving to a place where it rains all the time?

"Why are we moving so far?" I ask staring out the window, always watching the other cars.

"Because. It's where I grew up, and it's only fair you meet my side of the family." The thing is, I can tell when my mum is lying and that was a bunch of bull.

We get to the plane and well, I'm in for a long and boring flight. Might as well get some sleep since I haven't slept much anyways.

I burst through our front door, tears streaming down my face hoping not to run into my parents. I left school early because I found my boyfriend of a year and a half cheating on me with someone I thought was my friend. Me being the fighter I am confronted him and when he tried to play innocent, I slapped him and ended things between us.

"Addy Kat? Baby what happened?" My dad asks as he sees me try to sneak into my room. I collapse into his arms and just cry myself out of tears, as he rubs my back comfortingly telling me it's gonna be alright.

"Michael cheated on me dad! With Isabelle! Someone I thought was my friend!" I paused to catch my breath as my dads grip tightened around me. "S-so I slapped him and ended things..." He shushes me and calms me down.

"It's okay Little Bird, he doesn't know what a great girl he's missing out on." I give him a watery smile at that as he pulls me away and gets down to my height.

"Now you listen to me Adelaide Katia Turner, you don't need a boy. You are perfect and independent, just like your parents. This boy was stupid for doing what he did, and I don't want this affecting you. You are strong and I know you can handle this. Promise me you'll never beat yourself up over something a stupid boy does. Okay? Keep your pecker up."

"I promise Daddy. And thank you. For always being here for me." I say and we both smile and he kisses my forehead.

"I'll always be here for you Addy Kat. No matter what happens." And with that I went upstairs to my room, cleaned my room of anything about Michael and took a nap with nothing but sweet dreams.


"Adelaide hunny." I hear the voice I'd know anywhere from somewhere in the darkness. This is weird, I'm still dreaming right?

"Daddy? Is that you?" I ask into the darkness to soon be greeted by the ever-smiling face of my father like I saw him a couple weeks ago.

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