To Chose A Side

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~~Addy's POV~~

I'm sitting at the dining room table talking to Emily about wedding planning and any ideas I might have about when we might want to have it. When suddenly we hear a lone wolf howl and I feel a chill run down my spine, and whatever has happened, it isn't good. Emily and I look to each other worry evident on both of our faces, but we know we just need to wait until they get home in order to figure out what has happened. We begin to make the spaghetti we planned for dinner tonight, the conversation staying very surface level, just waiting for the boys to get here so that we can know what has happened tonight. As we start to set the table, the pack begins to file in through the door and the mood is somber and slightly hostile and I wait for Jake to come through the door so I can ask him what has happened. As Embry comes through the door, he gives me a sad almost pitying look before shutting the door behind him. My stomach suddenly drops, knowing he went to the Cullen's earlier today and now he's not coming back for dinner? I look around for Seth or Leah to see if they know what happened, and I'm shocked to find they aren't here either... What happened..?

"Where's Jake?" I ask, my anxiety suddenly spiking, but I keep my eyes on Sam. The tension in the room explodes as my questions reaches their ears, and suddenly none of them can look in my direction.

"He's made a decision."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question, not liking what my uncle means and why he's suddenly so cold.

"He decided to go in a different direction than the rest of us. That's what I can say." I hold his eyes, for as long as I can, trying to figure out what exactly he means, but his walls are up and he's in full "alpha" mode. As he looks away, I quickly head upstairs to grab a jacket and my keys, making the decision to head toward the Cullen's and see what has happened for myself.

~~Jake's POV~~

I make my way to the forest surrounding the Cullen's house, and I decide to phase back and change in order to talk with the Cullen's about what is being planned on the Rez. I suddenly feel another presence nearby and Seth jogs into my view.

"What do you think you're doing here?"

"I left Sam's pack." He says so nonchalantly, like it wasn't going to have some repercussions on him and his sister.

"Go home, Seth." I say, not wanting someone like my annoying younger brother to be on the receiving end of Sam and the others.

"I won't stand behind him. I--I can't feel right about that." He states with such finality that I forget he's only sixteen and shouldn't have to deal with things like this.

"Oh, yes you will! I'm not kidding. Get out of here." 

"Is that an order? Gonna make me bow down too?" He states and this stops me cold. I don't ever wanna be that way, because I know how much I hated being stripped of my own choices by Sam..

"I'm not ordering anyone. Look, I'm just going off on my own here, okay?" I sigh knowing this was what I had to do, and I didn't want to be responsible if something happened to Seth.

"Great! And I've got your back."

"No, you don't! If Sam comes after Bella, are you really ready to fight your own brothers? Your sister?" I turn to look at him, and his surprise is quick, but I watch the resolve solidify in his eyes, and know it's gonna be impossible to send him home.

"If it's the right thing to do." He says firmly and with finality, and I guess Seth is going to be hanging out with me on this side of the line.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go give the Cullen's a heads up. Do what you want." I begin to walk through the forest, and hear Seth follow behind.

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