What The Hell?

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It's been a couple days, and thankfully no incidents. We really haven't talked about it either, apparently that red headed vampire is causing the guys a lot of problems.

She's starting to threaten more humans, toying with the boys by coming onto our lands. Emily and I aren't allowed into the forest, you can say Sam's been a bit uptight.

After dinner I'm able to persuade Emily to go and enjoy not doing the dishes for once. As I'm cleaning them up, Jared asks to help-using his pet name of course, and that's when shit gets hairy...

"Dude would you just back off?" Jake snaps uncharacteristically, glaring at Jared while the rest of us just stop in shock.

"What's your deal Jake? It's just a nickname." Jared places his hands up in surrender, but raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well it's getting old." He huffs, not breaking his eye contact.

"Jake. Really it's okay. He's just joking." I say gently placing my hand on his arm.

I'm not sure why he's so defensive all of a sudden. I feel his muscles relax under my touch, and I hear Jared let out a sound of disbelief.

"Holy fucking shit." I turn to look at him wondering what's made him so shocked, and he's looking at us. Then at Sam, then back again.

"No wonder you've been so damn protective." He laughs slightly as I feel Jake tense again.

"What are you talking about Cameron?" Jake asks tensely, Jared looking to the confused faces of our audience, smiling slightly.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You all do actually." He says with a smirk and the statement just hangs in the air, Jake slightly shaking.

"Are you serious?" Sam growls out from his spot next to Emily.

Jared smiles slightly, while Jake drops his eyes to the floor not responding. And I'm completely lost, looking between everyone noticing my uncle now start to shake.

"Jake. Outside. Now."

Sam almost commands, his breaths coming quicker. I can feel Jake fight something more than his own will to stay by my side, still not looking up.

"Now." Everyone jumps at the command, Sam grabbing Jake roughly by the shoulder and steering him outside.

"Woah, hang on!"

I say attempting to follow except Jared wraps his arms around me making me turn around quickly when shouts can be heard outside.

"Let me go." I say with a small glare.

"No can do Babe. It's about to get gnarly out there."

"Well you're the one that started it. And it looked like Sam was gonna kill him, and I'd rather he not."  I twist myself out of his arms and head out the door.

I find both of them standing in the drive, yelling at each other, but Sam looks pissed. This won't end well, I gotta stop it.

"You know I can't help it Sam! It wasn't my choice!" Jake yells, backing up slightly as Sam advances on him.

"You knew she's off limits! You should've just stayed with your vampire-girl! I don't want you coming around here Jacob. You can run your patrols, but you aren't hanging out here—"

"You know I can't do that Sam! I'll be useless, she'll get sick! Do you really want that?" Jake's now shaking more violently, and I decide it's time for me to intervene.

"You'll be close enough, she'll be okay."

"Well shouldn't she get a say in all this? What the hell is going on? You both were fine five minutes ago?!"

I finally make my presence known and they both stop glaring at each other long enough to look at me.

"Just go back inside Adelaide, don't worry about it."

"Don't hide it from her! She should know! It's definitely not nothing."

Jake retaliates and before I can blink, they've both phased and the black wolf is sprinting towards the russet colored one. They begin going at it, but Jake is able to throw Sam off of him but not for long.


I yell throwing out my hands as Sam attempts to run back at Jake, and it looks as though Sam hits an invisible barrier throwing him back into the ground.

Well that definitely got the fighting to stop. I'm now being stared at by two oversized wolves, but I don't pay them any mind. I'm as shocked as they are, staring at my hands in disbelief.

"Woah..." Flipping my hands over, not truly understanding what just happened I jump when I feel someone come up behind me.

"You're full of surprises aren't you." Jake says chuckling lightly behind me.

"What the hell was that? And no, not my weird force-field thing. You and Sam?"

I say turning on him and putting space between us. He nervously rubs at the back of his neck, as I just cross my arms and wait.

"How much has Sam told you?"

"As far as I know all of it. That's off subject—"

"It isn't. It has to do with what's going on, but I don't wanna talk here. Do you wanna walk with me to the beach?" He asks.

I sigh, feeling like he's just stalling, but I don't see Sam anymore and I want to know why they were literally at each other's throats...

"Fine. But you're telling me the whole truth."


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