Gotta Keep Things Interesting Right?

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"Dude. Did you guys forget where the lemonade was—?"

Jared gets to the kitchen entrance and just stares at the three of us, two of which still have a grip on my arm.

"Are you able to do it again?" Sam asks looking at me, eyes still wide I shake my head slightly.

"I don't even know how I did it the last time."

"What did I miss? You okay Babe?" He asks coming to check on me.

His term of endearment causes Jake to growl slightly, and Sam and Jared both look at him confused. We all know Jared didn't imprint, we see each other as siblings, he just likes to annoy me with the name.

"I–I'm fine. I think? I'm not entirely sure what just happened..." Dazed, I shake my head pressing one hand to my temple to quell the throbbing that has started.

"You mentioned things have been weird before, what did you mean?" Sam asks me as the boys help to stabilize me against the kitchen counter.

"I– Well I meant exactly that. After—after the accident...I've felt different? Like, after everything happened there was this shift, in my emotions? I dunno, but it felt like something changed." I ran my hand through my hair as the boys just looked on, Sam thinking hard about this.

"And there's also the fact that Jake just said you guys looked for me at the cliffs the other day. I was there...I guess it makes sense now how you guys didn't see me sitting there.."

"And the new scent makes sense now. You only smell different to us when you use your gift."

Sam thinks a bit longer before leaving, most likely to tell the boys that the weird scent they found was me and not a threat. Jared looks to me once more and I give him a slight smile before he follows Sam.

"Hey, hey. You okay Adelaide?" Jake says as he catches me, I didn't even realize I had started to fall over. I grip my head tightly, the headache getting worse.

"Hang on, lemme get you some Advil." He says gently placing me on top of the counter, and I close my eyes in hopes it'll help.

I hear him come back, slowly peeling one eye open to look at him as he grabs a glass of water as well. This must be a side effect...your brain trying to fall out of your skull.. Lovely.

"Here Ads. This should help at least a bit."

He places a warm hand on my knee and I open my eyes so see worry clearly plastered across his face. I slowly hold my hand out and he places the three blue pills in my hand and gives me the glass.

"Thank you Jake." I say with a slight smile taking the pills, careful not to jiggle my head too much.

"Of course Addy. I'm guessing this hasn't happened before?" He says with a slight smile.

"Not this bad, no. So your girlfriend, she knows all about this stuff then?" I mumble waiting for it to kick in.

"My girlfriend? You mean Bella? She's just a family friend–"

"Well she sure likes to think she's your girlfriend." I laugh slightly, I don't think he's noticed how clingy she is.

"What, no. She just got out of a serious relationship." He says slight confusion in his eyes.

"Jake, sweetie. She's awfully clingy with you, more so than just a really good friend.." I say with a raised eyebrow, and that seems to get him thinking.

"Huh. Well I don't—"

"Jake?" Well, speak of the devil..

He turns and I look around him to see Bella standing there, her brows pinch together once she sees me, with an emotion I can't pinpoint, on her tiny face.

"I'm going home." She once again looks to me before looking back at Jake.

"Okay, gimme a sec Bella." He says turning back to me and I hear her scoff lightly. Well someone's a little green eyed..

"I gotta go set up that perimeter. You gonna be okay? How's your head?" I laugh slightly at his caring nature which is no doubt pissing off his friend.

"I'm fine, honest. My brain is no longer trying to fall out of my skull." I say with a small smile as he snorts a laugh.

"Well that's good then." He says still laughing. "I'll see you later yeah?"

"Yeah, thanks again Jake." I say with a smile which he returns as he makes his way over to Bella.

"Oh and it was nice meeting you Bella!" I say as they begin to leave. What? I might enjoy poking and stirring shit up...

"Uh. Yeah, you too." She says and quickly leaves, Jake sending me a wave out the door.

I gently get off the counter after sitting just a while longer, heading to the living room and lying on the couch until I feel better.

Standing in Sam's backyard, surrounded by the boys I concentrate very hard on the empty bucket on the table. The longer I stare the more it wiggles back and forth, I decide to try something new and extend my hand in its direction.

This new movement causes it to slide across the table and fall onto the ground. We all look at it in shock before we all react in excitement. The boys all smile and cheer in my direction as Jake runs forward and picks me up by the waist spinning me around.

"See? I knew you could do it!" He laughs loudly before kissing me gently—

My eyes slowly flutter open to see Sam gently placing me down on my bed upstairs, slightly disoriented.

"How long have I been asleep?" I whisper.

"A couple hours. How are you feeling?" He asks sitting next to me on the bed.

"A lot better thankfully. What a day huh?" I laugh slightly to ease the tension on his face and he cracks a smile.

"No kidding. Get some sleep Love, we'll talk tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night Sam. Thank you. For everything." I say before slipping back into my blissful sleep.

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