5 | DUDE????

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[a/n: this chapter will be written in a third-person POV. English is not my first language so expect a lot of grammatical errors and typos. Thank you so much for reading IBTKB.  I appreciate it. And Happy 5k reads. I dedicated this chapter to all of you😘]


Chapter Five

Part Two

"Dude?" King Leon asked, staring at William with a puzzled look, still catching his breath.  The word his bride said is new to him, wondering what he means by it.

The meetings with the nobles were chaotic, they keep on complaining about his decision. He just listened to their blabbing, not taking it to his brain. It's not that they would understand what he felt. And he didn't dare to tell them though. He was the king, and his decision is only up to him.

While in the meeting, his mind is wandering about what his bride is doing. Is he fine walking together in the palace with Arthur?  Even though Arthur is trustworthy he still worries about his safety. And their first meal together. He cannot join him for breakfast because when he went to him, he was soundly asleep and insisted that he is not his bride. He clenched his fist thinking about it.

He calmed himself and dismissed them. Duke Avignon, one of the powerful nobles, has the loudest voice that he wants to rip those mouths of him with his swords.

He stops himself and walks out of the room, leaving the pest who is bugging him. He should prepare what is the best food for his bride. This is their first meal together and he wanted it to be special.

"Oi!" He called the red hair knight, Dixon, his loyal subordinate." Tell the kitchen palace that I will visit!"

''As you command your majesty!" The knight bowed, then left.

The whole palace kitchen was in turmoil after hearing the knight's message, wondering what bringing their majesty to the kitchen.

As if they are in a war, all the workers in the kitchen bring the best and rare ingredients and meat of high quality that is only used when there is a banquet.

So while Arthur and William are busy roaming around the garden, Leon was busy inspecting and suggesting their meal will be.

Everyone is busy, while the king feels uneasy but he hides it with his poker, serious expression. He forgot how to be dignified in front of the servants, with a disheveled look, he watched them prepare the food.

Thelma, who was assigned to William as his aide, looked at the king as he moved at a fast pace, feeling anxious. She is also feeling anxious about leaving his master by himself. 

It's already midday, and he is sure that his bride is already hungry. He is worried that he would let himself starve to death than ask a stranger to give him food, he is sure that his bride did not trust anyone in the palace, including him. Sad to think, he knows he is right. But, to gain his trust and let him stay by his side. He will do anything.

Behind are the dozens of loyal servants, carrying different dishes he suggested, hoping that his bride will like them.

"My... huff--- bride---huff----!" He said, still catching his breath. He felt the tension inside his body.

As a child, he continued," Let's eat together. I brought food!"

Without further question, William patted his shoulder with a smile on his face. This is the first time his bride smiles at him since last night. 

"Good!" William answered, still patting his thigh shoulder," Let's eat dude!"

"Dude?" Leon looked at him puzzled.

He asked, doesn't know what he meant by that. Since his bride said it in a good way, it's not a curse, right?

Stunned, William put his hand on his chin, this guy called the king didn't know what is dude meant?

Where on earth did this King come from?

Hmm, dude. Yeah, dude. What would he tell him? There is no meaning behind that word. But the king was waiting for him as if that word has a deep meaning.

"Dude means, you're a good man!" William exclaimed, flicking in the air. 

Leon's face shone brightly. It means that his bride saw him as a good man. He called him dude!

Leon cleared his throat, trying to suppress his smile since there are many people around them.

He straightened up, fixing himself.

"George prepare it all inside!" He instructs the main butler.

"Yes, your majesty!"

The butler bowed. All the servants entered Williams's room, carrying food.

In an instant, they put it grandly and delicately. And left without a word. Only, Thelma, the butler, and the red knight. Arthur is nowhere to be found. He is currently dealing with the document Leon left behind.

"My bride.. what do you say ?" Leon asked, waiting for what his bride was going to say.

William who is already seated in a chair ready to eat looks at him with a puzzled look.

What can I say? I'm so hungry that  I'm so lazy to think.

I wanna eat, man. So sit down and eat than waiting like a lost dog.

Don't tell me...  He wants me to praise him?

If what he thought is right. What he should day in this situation? Back when he is still working and he needs to please his client. He needs to wear his best plastic smile and stretch his very thin patience.

He already mastered all the praises he needed just to convince his client.

William smiled, a smile showing his very perfect white teeth.

"You did a very good job, King!"

"My bride, like you forgot something!" 

"Err..." William thought he had already escaped that embarrassing word.

"Good job.....M-y King!"

He almost choked saying that word.

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