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                                     Leilani's POV

July 5th 2021
     I woke up to the sound of the fan in my room at the highest level. The cold air felt nice against my skin. My curly hair getting messier than it already had during the night.

    I turned around to check the time on my phone, 5:45am,"I should get up" I thought to myself. I regretted it instantly when I did. I felt the intense heat. It's been more than a year and I still haven't re-adjusted to the heat. It was hot as hell all year long in Guerrero, México I should be used to it by now.

    I was born and raised here up until I was 7 years old, when my family moved to California for business reasons. I lived in California until about a year ago when my grandfather passed away. I was sad because of the circumstances we had to return, but I had missed living with my family.

    I looked across the room to see my best friend sleeping peacefully and I was not about to let that happen. I slowly approached her as I got close to her ear and screamed "ISABELLA." Her entire body jolted as I held my stomach from the pain of laughing so hard. "You're a bitch" she said as she playfully slapped me. I gasped dramatically pretending to be offended.

   "Get up it's almost 6:00, time to do our chores" I said. She sat up and groaned because of the heat. Summer in Mexico wasn't exactly ideal. We headed downstairs to drink our coffee and get started. When we entered the kitchen coffee was on the table already. "This is strange" Isabella said. I agreed we were used to preparing our own coffee in the mornings. We sat down and gulped our coffee hurrying to finish our chores and go on with our day. Since it was so hot me and Isabella had planned to take the horses to the lake and take a swim while we are there. When we went outside we saw a surprising sight.

   Our chores had been completed. All the animals were fed, groomed , and had enough water. I looked at Isabella who also had a puzzled look on her face. "What do we do now?" she asked.

   I walked into the main house where my grandma lived. "Hola abuelita" I greeted the old woman sitting on her rocking chair "Hola mija" she responded (I don't have time to translate all the dialogue, but any interaction between anyone other than Leilani and Isabella is in Spanish 🙂) "Our chores were already finished when we got downstairs and we were wondering if we could take the horses to the lake" I explained. "Well I hope you enjoyed that little surprise and of course you guys can go just be careful" she responded. I was shocked but thanked her anyways. My grandma always believed young women should be hard workers so she wouldn't have someone complete our chores for us for no reason.

   We headed to the lake and stayed for a few hours. Then we headed home not forgetting to buy some popsicles from out local ice cream shop on the way.

   When we got home we weren't told to make the table or help with dinner like we usually would have been. When we tried to help they just told us to shower and head to the main house for dinner.

The entire day had been strange but it was about to get a whole lot stranger.

Hi guys I really hope you can enjoy this story. Think of it as a gift for my Mexican engenes (If you aren't Mexican I hope you still enjoy this story)
I will be posting part 2 tomorrow. 😚

Niki will be introduced in the next part. 😉

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