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                              3rd person POV

   The last few weeks of summer flew by in a blink. The two teenagers had grown closer to each other, making small dates part of their routine. Their feelings for each other had grown but they came to face a new obstacle as they packed their bags and headed to the airport. The atmosphere was tense as the couple sat in an crowded van together, the third wheel named Bella sleeping peacefully beside them while listening to music.

  Now they sat in a crowded airport waiting for what seemed like an eternity but also just a couple seconds for their flight to be called.

                             Nani's POV

   I hated this. Once again I had to deal with change. In the span of the 2 or 3 months I spent with the Nishimuras I had grown very attached to the family.

   As our flight was called we stood up to say our goodbyes. I first gave a hug to Mr. Nishimura "Take care of my son darling" he said jokingly "we both know he can't survive without you." I laughed almost bitterly, sad that I had to say goodbye to a person who had become a very important part of my life.

   Konon came in for a hug next. "I'm gonna miss you Nani" she said through a few tears "I'll come visit as soon as I can." We laughed as we saw Riki's offended face, "you never came to visit me!" he said. Even while parting ways Konon liked to tease him "Yeah but she's more important."

   I headed toward Mrs. Nishimura with a lump beginning to form itself in my throat. "Bye mrs- mom. Bye mom" I said as I finally let myself cry in her arms. "Oh honey" she said in the sweet voice that always calmed me down, "I wish you could've called me mom for the first time in better circumstances." I smiled sadly at her as she wiped the tears off my face. "We'll call you every day. Remember this is temporary, we'll see you again" she said to me.

I moved in to hug Sola who was already crying in Riki's arms. "Do you have to leave again?" she asked her older brother. All he could say was "I'm sorry but I need to go back to school." She looked up at him and then at me, pulling me into their hug, "I can't believe he's cruel enough to take you with him." We all chuckled at her statement, I held her tighter.

   When we had finished saying our goodbyes we headed towards the gates, giving our tickets to the flight attendant and then waving bye to the family of four staying in Japan. I thought I'd gotten used to goodbyes, so why did this one hurt so much.

                            Riki's POV

   Me and Bella sandwiched Nani between us as we looked for our seats. Our parents had been nice enough to get us first class, so we headed towards the very comfortable looking seats where we set all our luggage down and finally got to relax from the long trip. "Nani come here" I said with my arms open. Hugging had now become normal for us, it was great for a person like me whose love language was physical touch.

   She sat next to me laying her head on my shoulder while I had an arm around hers. Bella laid comfortably on the reclining chair as she managed to ,yet again, fall into a deep slumber. Nani smiled softly as she looked at her, "I guess she doesn't need me to hold her hand this time. My baby's all grown up." I laughed softly as she placed her hand over her heart dramatically.

   "Are you planning on falling asleep too" I asked her. She looked up at me and smiled, "no, did you have something planned." I nodded excitedly while I put on some music and brought out some board games. The smile on Nani's face being enough to make my day.

                            Nani's POV

   The flight consisted of board games, movies, and of course stuffing the pre paid food into our stomachs that were begging us to stop already.

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