I'd like you to meet...

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Riki's POV

   We had arrived in Korea in Friday. It was now Monday, the beginning of a new week and the beginning of a new school year.

   I had woken up earlier than usual because of the sound of Bella and Nani getting ready. Id lived with girls my entire life and still didn't get how they could care enough about their appearance to wake up at 4 in the fucking morning. Don't get me wrong, I like to take care of myself too, but part of that includes getting my beauty sleep.

   I stood up and went into the kitchen to chug some strawberry milk, which did a pretty good job at waking me up. Or maybe not, considering that I put my AirPods in and slept for another hour and a half.

   When I woke up it was 6:00 am already. I got up to go shower but I decided to check on the girls first. Bella was sitting down at her vanity wearing a matching pair of sweats and a hoodie while doing finishing her makeup. She smiled at me through the mirror. "Can you pass me my setting spray, it's by the bed?" I looked around and saw a matte bottle with a pink cap. I picked it up and showed it to her. She nodded as a confirmation that that was what she wanted and I handed it to her. "Thanks and good morning" she said. "Good morning" I said walking out of the room.

   I walked into Nani's room and didn't see her. "I'm in here" she said from the bathroom. I walked in and saw her straightening her hair. I stared as I admired her beauty for a second, simply smiling at the sight of her. "I'm gonna guess that I look good since you can't keep your eyes off me" she said in a teasing tone. "You do look good" I said while I leaned on the door frame. "Oh can you get my uniform out of the closet" she said while unplugging the straightener and pulling out her makeup. "Yeah sure" I said while getting the black uniform and laying it carefully on her bed.

   I headed back to my room to shower and change. I dried my hair and put on my uniform which had way to many unnecessary layers in my opinion, but it was the first day of school and I had to look nice. When I went back into Nani's room she was smoothing out her skirt while checking for any flaws in her full length mirror. She noticed me in her doorway and smiled for a split second before laughing. "Are you going like that" she asked through her giggles. "What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. "Go look in the mirror" she said while pointing at the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror looking at the fluffy mess my hair was. "Can you help?" I asked.

   She stood in front of me while u sat on a stool me had brought from downstairs. Apparently I was 'to tall' and 'not a normal height for a 15 year old boy'. I looked up at her while she carefully styled my bangs, parting my hair down the middle and curving them out away from each other.

   After about ten minutes I stood up and looked in the mirror, my reflection being much more put together than before. "Thank you baby" I said while kissing the top of her head. "Hey" she said in a playfully angry tone "you're gonna ruin my hair." We both laughed and went downstairs to wait for Isabella.

                            Nani's POV

   After putting on my shoes I looked at Riki nervously, hoping that what I was about to say wouldn't ruin his mood.

   "Hey can we talk?" I asked. "Of course" he said, but with a hint of nervousness. "I just wanted to ask that you don't tell anyone about the whole marriage thing" I said  and he just listened "I just don't want it to get out because you know how teenagers can be. So please just don't tell anyone, not even your friends." He looked up at me with the same smile he had in before  "yeah of course" he paused for a moment "can we tell them we're dating though?" I nodded and he visibly relaxed.

   We heard Isabella come down at the same time we heard the driver pull into the drive way. "Perfect timing" I said as we got our bags and left the house.

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