All the things I left behind

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                                      Nani's POV

July 6th 2021 (12:30am)

   After calming myself down I walked into my room. I was met with a large suitcase sitting on my bed. I guess everything was already packed. I looked around, my heart physically aching, seeing everything I was leaving behind.

   As I was looking around I noticed another suitcase, on Isabella's bed. Was she moving back to America now that I'm moving away? It made total sense, the only reason she had come to live here was for me. I couldn't control myself as tears ran down my cheeks. I was leaving my best friend.

   I tried to quickly pull myself together as I heard a knock on the door. "Are you ready?" my dad asked. I wasn't, but I couldn't tell him that so I just nodded. He grabbed the suit case on Isabella's bed and I grabbed mine.

   We made our way to the car. I held in my tears not wanting to cry in front of my father. I looked back and saw my childhood house. It was a light orange color, plants decorating the balconies and walls. I had to leave my home. That thought made a tear escape my eyes. I quickly wiped it off and continued walking.

   We got to the car and put the suitcases in the back. I was about to get settled in when I heard my name being called.

   "Nani!" yelled my cousin Leo. He was older than me, he actually had a son a year younger than me, but we'd always been close. He didn't say anything and just gave me a tight hug. I hugged him back even tighter. He pulled away and smiled.

   I saw his two sons come up to us. I hugged the youngest as he sobbed into my chest not wanting to let go. He was only 10 and the thought of me leaving was unbearable for me. He pulled away and I saw his tear stained cheeks. This almost made me breakdown in tears, but I had to be strong for him.

    Then came Jesse, Leo's oldest son. Despite being a year younger than me, he towered over me. He gave me a hug which surprised be because he wasn't very affectionate. I felt him shake and then I heard his sobs. "Please don't leave" he cried. This one sentence made me break down. I hugged him tighter if that was possible. We stayed like this for what felt like hours sobbing in each other's arms. We had grown up together and had formed a great bond. Despite all the teasing we knew deep down that we couldn't live without each other, but now we were being separated. I finally pulled away and wiped my tears and his. He took deep breaths to calm down.

   One by one my family members came to say goodbye. Every time I saw them cry I did too.

   I had said goodbye to many of my cousins when they turned 15, but usually they wouldn't even leave the state. I was leaving the continent.

   When I had said bye to everyone I got into the car and sat next to Isabella in the back seat. She looked at me with sad eyes but kept quiet. My parents got in the front seat and we drove away. I waved at my family members until they were out of sight. My heart hurt knowing that would be the last time in a long time that I'd see them.

                                 Isabella's POV

   My parents had called me after the ceremony and told me I'd be going back to America to be with them. It made sense, if Nani was leaving there was no point in me staying.

   As I saw her saying goodbye to her family I shed a few tears. I'd been living with them for over a year and I'd gotten attached. I had said goodbye to everyone in the main house while Nani grabbed her suit case.

   When she sat down next to me she looked like she wanted to cry but I don't know if there were any more tears left in her. I didn't want to make her even sadder so I stayed quiet.

   The entire way to the airport I was thinking 'I don't want to leave her'. That's when I decided I will do everything in my power to not be separated from her.

   We arrived at the airport at around 2:00am. Everyone got out of the car. "I need to use the bathroom" I said. Everyone just nodded.

   When I got to the bathroom I called my dad. "Hello" he said. "I'm not going back. I'm going to Japan with Leilani" I said. "You can't do that" he said. "Yes I can just give me money for the ticket and I'll go" "Even if I let you go, I don't know if her parents would let you go" "Well I'll convince them, just give me your permission to go" "Okay, you can go" he said as he finally gave in. "Thank you" I said with a big smile on my face.

    I exited the restroom and went towards Nani and her parents. "Hey Bella" her mom greeted me. "Hi, where is Nani?" I asked. "She went to one of the shops to buy some clothes" her mom answered. "Do you want to join her?" she asked. "I'm okay, I actually wanted to talk to you guys" "okay" they said confused.

   "I want to go to Japan with Nani" i said quickly. Her dad answered "Isabella, I know you don't want to leave her but we can't let you go" "I asked my parents they said I could go with your permission" "That's not the only reason we don't want you to go" "What other reason is there?" "Leilani is supposed to get to know Riki, she can't do that if she spends all her time with you." Her mother explained. "I won't bother them. I'll even make sure they go out together at least once a week. Plus, won't it be easier for her to adjust to a knew home when I'm with her?"

   There was a silence before it was broken by her mother. "She has a point. It's s good idea for her to go." "Okay" her dad agreed. "But make sure she spends time with him. It'll make living with him easier if they're at least friends" I nodded. I couldn't hide my smile.

   "Well we have to go get your ticket" "My dad sent you money for it" "Okay, let's go quickly."

   We got my ticket and I went to the shop where Nani was. I decided to keep it a secret until we boarded the plane. "What are you looking for" I asked her. "I want to get Riki and his family some candies and toys from here. I just want to introduce my culture to them too." She said. "Yeah that's a good idea" I said. "I also want to take some for me so that I don't get too homesick" she said with a sad smile. I couldn't wait for her to find out I was going with her.

                              3rd Person POV

July 6th 2021 (3:00am)

   They heard Nani's flight being told to board the plane. She hugged all of them goodbye. She slowly walked to the entrance and gave her ticket to the attendant. As she made her way towards the plane she felt tears running down her face. She quickly wiped them off not wanting to cry in front of strangers.

   Isabella was following a good distance behind her. When she boarded the plane she walked to her seat. They had made arrangements to have her sit next to Nani. She sat down next to her and when Nani turned around to say hi she saw her best friend. 

   "What are you doing here?" she asked surprised. Isabella explained everything. "I can't believe you managed to convince your parents and mine." Nani said surprised.

   The plane started moving and Isabella held tight onto Nani's hand. Isabella had always been scared of planes taking off. Nani let out a small laugh seeing Isabella with her eyes tightly shut.

   Nani looked out her window she saw the plane going up. She saw the lights of the city of Acapulco. It looked beautiful. She felt sad as she saw the light get smaller and fade away. She had her best friend next to her, but all she could think of is all the things she left behind. More importantly the people she left behind.

AAAAAHHHHH I'm excited for the next chapter. I'll probably release it today. Please leave feedback this is my first story.

I went to LA a few days ago and bought two bts albums and pulled Jin and RM. I was super excited. My sister bought an enhypen album and she got Niki for one of her photo cards 😭 she won't trade me even though I offered her a Sunoo pc AND SUNOO IS HER BIAS. I hate her. lol I needed to let that out.

Thanks for reading😘

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