More beautiful in person

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Nani's POV

I opened my eyes after taking a long nap. I had no idea how long I'd been sleeping. I felt a weight on my shoulder and noticed Isabella had fallen asleep too.

Careful not to wake her up I went on my phone. Luckily this plane had wifi.

After a few minutes of watching random videos on YouTube I got bored and decided to listen to music. I decided to watch my favorite music video from when I was small. Darte un beso by Prince Royce.

As I listened to the music I felt sadness take over me. I've always loved the idea of falling in love. The music I listened to talked about love. The stories I read were love stories. Moments I made up in my head were about falling in love with a special person. I realized I would never get to experience that. I was now married. The boy I now call my husband doesn't love me, and I don't love him.

Isabella's POV

I woke up feeling tears on my face. I looked up to see my best friend crying. She always tries to stay strong for everyone around her and doesn't notice that she's hurting herself.

I couldn't hold myself back and hugged her. She cried until she fell asleep. I adjusted her neck pillow and covered her with a blanket.

   She was probably sad about what she was leaving behind. I guess it was one of her flaws, as much as she tried she couldn't see the good in things. She has a habit of focusing on the bad things.

   I hope I can help her enjoy her new life instead of mourning over her old life. That's what I'm here for anyways. Right?

                                    Niki's POV

   The wedding was at 2:00pm here. I was told Leilani's flight was leaving at 5:00pm. I was supposed to go to sleep to be able to wake up on time to go pick her up tomorrow, but the excitement wasn't letting me.

   I stayed up and decided to clean my room. I definitely don't want her first impression of me to be that I'm a dirty person. After I was done I went on my phone. I got bored quickly so I got up to get a snack.

   As I was rummaging through the cupboards I heard someone clearing their throat. "Riki you should be asleep" my mom said. "Yeah sorry I couldn't sleep. I'm very excited to meet her." I saw my mom smile. "I'm glad you like her" I shyly nodded. "But you still need to sleep. It's already 3:00am" she said. "Okay I will." We both exited the kitchen and went to our rooms.

   I laid and bed trying to get comfortable but I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about meeting the girl I've been dying to meet for a month. My mind was filled with her. She was probably even more beautiful in person.

                                   Nani's POV

   I woke up and saw Isabella waking up too. We both smiled at each other. I looked outside and saw the clouds. The scene was beautiful from up here. 

   "We will be landing soon"

   After hearing this I wondered how long we'd been sleeping. I stretched in my seat trying to wake myself up as much as possible. It was already 9:00am when I looked at the time on my phone. It had already changed to the time in Japan.

   We were here. We were really here. I had been so focused on leaving my family I didn't think to much about where I was going.

   This was my first time meeting him and his family. At least Isabella was with me.

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