Order 23

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Nani's POV

   I realized I had been staring for a bit to long. I snapped out of the trance he had put me in when his mom spoke up. "We waited for you to order our drinks, what would you guys like."

   Bella noticed I was a bit flustered and , being the great friend she is, decided to propose an idea "Why don't Riki and Nani go order them, you know, for some alone time"

   I noticed Niki's cheeks flush red. I had never been more grateful for my dark skin which made the blush on my cheeks less noticeable.

   Then I felt the slightest brush of his fingers on mine. A burst of courage ran over me and I grabbed his hand.

                                    Niki's POV

   I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I heard Isabella's idea. All I could think about is getting out of there.

   I tried to grab Nani's hand but chickened out the second I felt the slight touch of her hand on mind.

   I felt my heart almost jump out of my chest when she grabbed my hand and dragged me away.

   Once we got close to the cashier counter she let go of my hand "Sorry, I just needed to get out of there" "Its fine" I said as I chuckled nervously. "Um, I know what Bella would like but" "I'll order for Konon and my mom don't worry" "Ok great" she said.

   We stared at each other, again. Until the barista's voice interrupted our moment. "What can i get for you guys"

Nani spoke up first. "I'll get a medium strawberry milk with strawberry boba." She motioned me to order next "A peach green tea and a banana milk with boba, mediums please."

   We both stayed silent contemplating what to order for ourselves.

"A medium coconut milk iced coffee" we said in unison.

   "Two of those?" The barista asked confused. "Yeah" Nani answered.

   We paid and got back to our table. We noticed Konon and Bella talking, Bella speaking in calm composed sentences unlike last time. I couldn't hear what they said because they stopped their conversation when we got there. Seems suspicious.

*insert video of Kai (that's kinda sus tho)*

                                    Isabella's POV

   Me and Konon we're talking while eavesdropping on their conversation. They are SOOOO boring, neither of them can make a move.

   I know Nani won't make a move, even with her flirty personality, cause she doesn't want to let her parents win.

   Me and Konon have decided we need to intervene. "Aww they chose the same drink" I said.

   It's like I could see the wheels turning in her head. She whispered something as we saw Nani and Niki approaching. We also decided their ship name would be NiNi during our conversation.

   I smiled at her idea and we pretended to have a normal conversation as they got closer. We stopped talking as we got to our table and I saw Niki giving Konon the death glare. Guess he knew we were up to something.

   "I need to go to the bathroom" I said as I left the table. They nodded and started talking.

   I went up to the barista. "Hey could I actually get a large coconut milk iced coffee instead of the two mediums" I asked "and a couple straw with that, please and thank you"

   I walked away. A couple straw was just two silicone straws connected by a cute heart. This was a great idea. First, their faces would be dangerously close. Second, they would have a memory of the first time they met, considering we would be making them keep the straw. Lastly, they'd be exchanging saliva eventually anyways so it's not gross.

"Order 23"

                                     Nani's POV

   I got up at the same time as Niki to get the drinks. We went together. As I got closer I saw a large iced coffee with what I assumed was a couple straw.

   I saw the same look of confusion on Niki's face. I was gonna grab the drinks. "I'll get them don't worry" he said. His hand on mine. When he noticed he quickly pulled it away not uttering a word.

   'At least he's a gentleman' I thought. 'Nope that's the bare minimum' I thought as I fought against my self.

   When we got back to the table I glared at Isabella who just giggled. "There's no more room here anymore." Konon said "Guess you'll have to sit together at that table." So she was in on it too. Mrs. Nishimura, still haven't gotten used to calling her mom, just giggled.

   They got their drinks and me and Niki went alone to sit at the table. "You can drink your part I'll drink what's left." I said. "No you go first it's fine" "How about we take turns." He agreed.

   I took the first sip then he followed. We continued this while looking at our phones occasionally sharing awkward sentences.

   We got distracted and went in at the same time. Our noses touched for one moment. We looked into each other eyes and pulled away quickly. His face turned ruby red as mine heated up.

   I tried breaking the awkward silence by giving him a compliment. "I like your hair" "Thanks I got it done while in Korea. My friend Sunoo wanted to go blonde but wanted someone to do it with him. So I offered to do it."

   We spent the rest of the time talking about his friends. He asked me about my family and friends too but I changed the subject not wanting to get emotional.

   Who knew we'd have our first conversation because of "Order 23". I'd later realize why 23 was my lucky number.

   Hey sorry for not updating in so long. I was going through a lot. My cousins dog died this weekend. R.I.P. Khloe.

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one will be out soon. 😚



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