Not your responsibility

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Nani's POV

   I woke up and felt a weight next to me. I heard Bella's quite snores as she drooled on my pillow. 'She really slept here when she has her own room' I thought to myself as I chuckled at how clingy my best friend was.

   After struggling to unwrap her arm around my waist I got up and checked the time. 9:00 am.It was pretty late, for me at least.

   I changed into my sweats since I had only slept in underwear and a t-shirt. I was gonna exit my room when I remembered there were 2 males in this house and put on a bra.

   I got downstairs and saw Riki stuffing his mouth with cereal. I tend to forget he's a growing boy who needs to eat.

   I noticed I was admiring him for too long when he looked up at me, cheeks full, and said "Good morning." I snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh, good morning. I was just gonna make some coffee" I said heading to the coffee machine. He smiled "I knew it would be the perfect gift." He really was so kind.

   I finished making my caramel macchiato and sat down on the stool next to him. "How'd you sleep" he asked quietly "I know it can be hard sleeping in a new house for the first time." I smiled and answered "I slept really well, and Isabella ,being the clingy ass bitch she is, made sure I didn't sleep alone." He laughed.

   "That means she hasn't left your room since last  night" he said. After a few seconds I could tell he remembered last nights events since he turned every different shade of red and became really quiet. I also stopped talking.

   After a while I spoke up. "Sorry about Isabella she has no filter. I hope she didn't make you feel uncomfortable." He quickly objected "No of course not she just caught me off guard." I nodded and gave him a smile which he returned.

    I finished my coffee and waited for Riki to finish his breakfast so I could wash his plate and clean up the counter. Once he slurped his milk down I grabbed his bowl and took it to the sink.

   "What are you doing?" He asked. "The dishes" I said. "You don't need to wash my plate" he said confused. "Yeah I do, you're a guy" I said very casually. "Guys are responsible for their own things, just like girls" he said taking the bowl from my hands as he began to wash it. My eyebrows knitted together. He was right. I'd just been raised so differently I didn't understand it.

   After he finished washing his dishes he dried his hands and leaned on the counter. "Married to me or not, you should never be expected to do my chores because you're the girl and I'm the guy" he said with a smile. "Thank you" I said. "No problem" with that he headed into his room.

   I went up to my room and laughed as I saw Isabella sitting on my bed, half asleep, looking confused as ever. "Did you enjoy your night of sleep IN MY BED" I jokingly yelled. "In fact, I did." "Bitch" I mumbled under my breath. She gasped being "offended". I laughed it off "Get ready I'm gonna take a shower" I said. "Do we have to be somewhere?" She asked. "No but you can't stay in bed all day" "fine" she said rolling her eyes as she crawled to her room. I just smiled. Oh Isabella.

Niki's POV

I knew Nani came from a family where women were expected to do the housework, but I didn't want her to continue living like that once we moved in together. My main goal is for her to feel loved and for her to be happy, I didn't seem to be doing a good job so far.

My thoughts were disrupted when I saw a girl crawling on the floor. "Hey" said a very tired Isabella. "Good morning" I said confused. She just nodded in acknowledgment and continues crawling to her room. Once again, very strange girl.

I decided to take a shower since I hadn't already. I was in and out in ten minutes. I took my time doing my skincare routine since we had no where to be right now.

After I finished I picked out a long sleeve, loose, white shirt and a black, short sleeve button up over it. Then I put on some black cargo pants and converse. I put on a silver chain, a bracelet, 3 rings on my left hand and 2 on my right, and finally some silver hoops that hugged my earlobes.

I heard quiet laughs coming from the door to my room. Of course it was Konon. "Why are you dressed up." "What do you mean?" I asked. "Last time I saw you, you would use the same sweats and T-shirt three days in a row" "Well you haven't seen me in almost 2 years, people change ok?" "Or your dressing up to impress your wifey" she said making a kissy face towards me and laughing. "STOP IT KONON, WHAT IF IT MAKES HER UNCOMFORTABLE" "fine, but I'm still gonna tease you, cause you have a massive crush on her" "Shut up, she's literally in the room next door" "it's not like it's a secret, your very obvious about it" she teased. I rolled my eyes and pushed her out of the room. I flipped her off before closing the door and went to fix my hair. "Damn, is it really that obvious"

Nani's POV

I kinda felt bad for taking 30 minutes in the shower but I'll make it up to them somehow.

When I got out I moisturized my face since I had washed it in the shower. I looked in the backpack they had given me and found some perfume. It was called "First love" from Victoria's Secret. It was an olive green color with really cute packaging. I rolled it onto my skin and sprayed some of the mist.

Time to pick out my outfit. I chose a oversized Selena shirt that was black with some blue. Then I wore baggy jeans and my black Jordan 1s. I put some curl defining cream in my hair making it shine. Then I put two braids in the front and finished them off with beads, one light blue and one dark blue on each braid.

Onto makeup. I'm too lazy to put on a full face of makeup so I just did mascara and clear lipgloss.

   I stood in front of the mirror for a while and judged myself. 'Am I too fat?' 'Is my ass to flat?' 'Are my boobs too big?'. Isabella walked in already dressed. "You look fine" she said "now come eat breakfast with me." "I already ate" "Iced coffee isn't a meal" "How'd you-" "I know everything" she said dragging me out of the room.

   We sat down at the table once she had made a waffle for us to share and some scrambled eggs.

   While we were eating Niki came down. "Oh shit I forgot about you" I said "wait I'll make something for you, what do you want?" "I'm good" he said grabbing my shoulders making me look him in the eyes "Remember being a girl does not immediately make feeding me your job. Plus I already ate remember" "Yeah I forgot sorry" I said looking down. "Don't be sorry, it's how you grew up. I'm here to help you leave that mindset behind. Okay?" "Okay"

   "Why is she holding a camera?" He asked side eying Bella. "ISABELLA AGUILAR" I screamed running after her. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH, NIKI GET YOUR FUCKING WIFE BITCH" she screeched while running away which made me even more angry. "PINCHE PENDEJA IM NOT JOKING" I said finally catching up to her and yanking her back by her hair. I was sitting on top of her about to pull a chunk of hair out when I felt someone wrap their arms around my entire body. Riki lifted me up leaving me kicking my legs around trying to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong and too tall. "FUCKING GIANT LET ME GO" "NO YOU'RE GONNA KILL HER" "I WON'T. I won't, now can you please put me down?" He slowly lowered me to the ground, still keeping my hands in his. "Bella, go lock yourself in your room" he advised. She quickly listened and ran upstairs. He finally let my hands go.

"Why are you so fucking strong" I said while rubbing my wrists which were aching from being held for so long and so tightly. "Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, but does being with me really make you that mad?" he asked sadly. "No it's just I don't like being teased" I responded "Yeah, I understand" he said in the same sad tone "I'll be in my room if you need anything" and with that he left.

I went into my own room and sat on my bed. I really don't mean to hurt his feelings, but maybe if I do he'll leave me alone and stop trying to get close to me. I just want him to realize this isn't true love, we were both forced into this. Maybe making him hate me will do that.

Sorry for not updating in so long. I've been busy.

I know this chapter is long but I hope you guys enjoy it. On another note, get well soon heeseung 😕.

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