Quinceñera Pt.2

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Leilani's POV

July 5th 2021

I took a shower and changed into shorts and a tank top. I put my hair into two braids as I waited for Isabella to finish up and we headed to the main house together.

When we got there even the table was set up. We waited for the adults to sit and then took our seats.

Our entire family had met in the main house for dinner. That only happens on special occasions like anniversaries, baby showers, or our grandma's birthday.

This was definitely a strange day.

We finished our food and began cleaning up the table. Then we sat back down. If my entire family was here uncles, aunts, and cousins, there was definitely going to be an important announcement.

My grandmother then looked at me. There was silence. I could feel my heart beating in my chest faster ever second that passed. She finally spoke up "Leilani it's your birthday" I looked at the date, July 5th, it wasn't my birthday yet but I was scared to correct her. She then continued "You are a quinceañera. Do you know what that means?" I did, I knew exactly what it meant but I didn't want to accept it so I just nodded.

There was another long pause so I assumed she wanted me to elaborate.

"When a girl turns 15 her family gives her away because she is now a woman" I explained hoping she would be satisfied with my answer. She nodded.

"And in our family we have a tradition" she said. My heart dropped. I knew what that tradition was. A girl in my family would turn 15 and immediately be given away for marriage. I felt tears forming in my eyes. "Your the first quinceañera in our family since your grandfather passed away" she explained. She now also had tears in her eyes. "Before he passed he had one business deal left. To merge with a family from Japan. You will be the one finalizing that." I could tell she felt bad for me as I saw tears escaping her eyes. Seeing her cry made me want to cry even more but I had to be strong. "When?" I calmly asked. "Tonight" she answered, visibly struggling to let out composed sentences.

I finally let a tear fall. All my freedom, friends, and family would be taken away from me in a few hours. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks but I didn't have the strength to stop them.

I decided to split the chapter I was planning on releasing into 2 parts cause it was to long 😕

Next part will be posted today tho😘

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