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                                   Nani's POV

   My lungs burned as they begged for air. A to death first one thing in the morning wasn't exactly in my bucket list so I smacked the person responsible for my lack of air. "Riki get off of me" I choked out. "Mmm no" he says sleepily. "Riki I wasn't asking I need to breathe" I say as I try my best to push him off and he finally moves off of me. I inhale oxygen greedily into my lungs.

   I'm barely catching my breath when I hear small footsteps and see big doe eyes looking up at me "you okay mama?" Malakai says while trying his best to climb into the king sized bed. I sigh "I'm okay mijo" I say as I lift him up, "daddy just wasn't letting me breathe." I hear a huff from the other side of the bed "why daddy" Reina says with a frown on her face as she tugs at her fathers hand. Riki finally reacts as he yawns and stretches before pulling our daughter up in the bed too. "Because I love tu ama so much that i need to be attached to be at all times" he smiles as he tries his best to wipe the frown off Reina's face. It seems to be enough because she seems to forget about the issue and starts to make herself comfortable in between us.

   We're about to make ourselves comfortable and go to sleep when I hear loud cries. Riki rubs his eyes "I'll get them" he says through a yawn. "You left Mical and Santi all alone" I pretend to be shocked at my kids as they try their best to defend themselves. I smile at them and I coo when I see riki come in with our two youngest. Mical calms down after seeing us and gets herself comfortable in the bed too. Santi on the other hand keeps crying and we decide that it's probably time for everyone to eat breakfast. 

   We take showers, I bathe Reina and Mical with me and let Riki be in charge of bathing the boys. I dress them all up in cute color coordinated outfits and I braid Reina's hair now that it's long enough to be braided. "Everyone ready?" Malakai and Reina nod and Mical follows along. "Okay majority says yea and majority wins so let's go"

   We arrive at the breakfast lounge of the resort and are glad to find Jay and Sunghoon are already up. "Hey early birds, what were you guys up to" i say as I lead Malakai to the table while also trying my best to balance Mical on my hip. Jay gets up and grabs a high chair before taking Mical from me "at the gym. These resorts have the best gyms." I roll my eyes playfully "working out while on vacation, I admire you guys." I get Malakai to the table after a while and sit him down on my left while I have Mical to my right. Riki comes in giggling with Reina on one hip and Santi on the other. "Good morning" he says. "Morning" Reina mimics. Everyone breaks into smiles, "good morning Reina." Riki sets Reina down next to Malakai and sits down on her other side with Santi on his lap. "Are you gonna be able to eat comfortably with him on your lap, there's high chairs over there," I point to where they are located. Riki raises his eyebrows "oh yeah that's a better idea" he gets up, hands me Santi and gives me a kiss on the cheek before going to get the chair. He comes back and sets the chair down next to his seat, "there we go" he grabs Santi from me before setting him down on the high chair and sitting down himself. "Ready to order." As if in cue the rest of the boys and Bella walk in. "Wow, Riki. Didn't think of us" Heeseung says as he pays Riki's shoulders. As soon and everyone nods we start picking out our food, everyone knowing that we'd probably end up picking from each others plates anyways.

   When we're done with breakfast, the boys offer to take the kids down to the beach. We all return to our hotel rooms and I get my kids dressed. "Riki, is Reina dressed" i shout. "Yeah" she's been ready. Our daughter walks out in a cute pink one-piece with a small skirt attached. "Aw mi chula" i coo at her.

   We get all the kids down to the beach where we meet up with the guys. Jay, Jake and Heeseung come rushing forward to get a kid and jungwon walks up slowly after everyone else to get Santi who was currently still resting on Riki's shoulder. "Thank you guys. Did Bella and our sisters not come" I ask. Sunoo shakes his head, "said they were going to the spa." I nod in acknowledgement before saying bye to our kids who seemed a little too happy to leave us and go with their uncles instead.

   Me and Riki walk back to the hotel room hand in hand. "Well our kids were very eager to leave us" I laugh. Riki chuckles too, one of those that makes me realize how deep his voice has gotten since we first met, "yeah they're obsessed with Heeseung and Jake for some reason." I take this as a moment to tease him. Well if I remember correctly you used to cling onto them like your life depended on it. He laughs, "okay but I was in a foreign country and they made me feel safe." I smile, "exactly, they have that kind of parental figure vibes or something" we share a laugh before entering the hotel room.

   I immediately throw myself on the bed and realize a little too late that Riki took this as an opportunity to jump on me. "Riki Riki no-" my voice was quickly muffled by his body. "Get off of me riki!" I laugh as I try my best to fight for my life . "I'll spare your life for a kiss" he smiles mischievously. I roll my eyes and peck his lips. "Nuh uh you can do better" I roll my eyes "Riki this isn't fair" I say even though I eventually give him his kiss anyways. Who am I to deny him if anything.

   We lay down on the bed trying to catch up on sleep when we hear shouting from our balcony. "What the fuck" I get up and go out into the balcony while a tired riki trails behind me. I see all my kids and the boy shouting at us from below. I laugh as I wave to them all and hear our babies excited squeals when they get acknowledged.

   They all wave goodbye to us before they continue on their walk. I feel Riki's arms wrap around my waist and I feel his head rest on my shoulder before I feel him sigh. It's like I could physically feel him relax and I turn my head to look at him.

Oh wait silly me. Let me just-

July 6th 2029

   I turn to look at him and see all the love in his eyes. It always seems to grow just like the love I
feel in my heart. "Happy 23rd birthday" he says with a small smile. My smile grows "and happy anniversary to you".


Goodbye everyone! Hope you enjoyed!

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