Midnight memories

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Nani's POV

I sat watching the fountain with Riki, admiring the colors and feeling small touches of the water on my skin when a small breeze passed. I heard Riki call my name "maybe we should head home" he said. I complained as i stood up offering him my hand. "stay up all night with me."

                                  Riki's POV

   I hesitated, wondering if this was a good idea. We really should be heading home, but of course i want to spend more time with her. I grabbed her hand "okay."

Nani's POV

The second I felt him grab my hand I started running. I can tell I caught him by surprise since he almost tripped on his own feet which made me giggle. I didn't know where I was running, I just hoped something would catch my eye.

I saw a bakery and stopped suddenly which made Riki fall on top on me. I stared into his eyes, have they always been this pretty? He turned insanely red and I just smiled at him. He quickly got back up and dusted himself off. "Are you gonna help me up?" I asked jokingly since I was still currently on the floor. He quickly started apologizing "Oh yeah I'm sorry." I just smiled as he grabbed both my arms and lifted me up. "Soooooo, the bakery?" I said. He just nodded and started walking towards the bakery still flustered. 'Cute' I thought to myself.

   We looked at the wide variety of options. They had cupcakes, cookies, macarons, and other things I didn't even know existed. I ordered a strawberry cupcake, 3 macarons, and a heart shaped meringue that caught my eye. Riki just got some cookies and a mini pie. We payed and left the bakery.

   We walked around while eating our sweets. Sharing is caring so I offered Riki a bite of everything I bought. After we got tired of walking, we sat down on a bench to eat. I took out my meringue that I had been looking forward to and offered some to Riki. "No thanks" he said. "Why not?" I questioned. Riki shrugged "I'm not sure if I'll like it." I gasped dramatically scaring Riki "you've never had meringue?!" He shook his head. "Well now you have to try it" I said breaking off a piece for him. I put it in front of his mouth "open up." He took the meringue in his mouth and instantly smiled. "It's really good" he said after finishing his bite. "Told you so" I said with a proud smile.

   We finished the meringue between the two of us and saves the rest of the snacks for later. We were walking for a while in silence, simply enjoying each other's company.

                                 Riki's POV

   We walked side by side. Nani was admiring the stars while I admired her. I realized how much I really liked her and how much I wanted her to like me back. I also realized I don't know very much about her. We were strangers a few weeks ago.

   "This is really random" I said breaking the silence and making her look at me "but tell me about yourself." She looked like she was thinking of what to start with. "I have a lot of hobbies" she said "I like to paint, bake, garden, make coffee, if that counts as a hobby, I like to sing, do makeup and hair, I also like photography, oh and dancing." I smiled at her and grabbed her hand "follow me."

   I ran with her to the nearest 24 hour convenience store. We walked inside and I started searching for something. "What are we looking for?" she asked. "It's a surprise" I answered. Finally I found what I was looking for. I grabbed the pink and white Polaroid camera and showed it to her. She smiled "let's go pay so we can start taking pictures already!"

   After paying we went outside. We took pictures of each other in front of the store cause Nani couldn't wait. "Hey" I said "is it to late or early for coffee." Her face lit up "I will never pass up an offer for coffee, but where, most of the cafes are closed." "I have a friend whose family owns a cafe" I said "it's open 24 hours, and my friend happens to work the night shift." "Well then let's go" she said eagerly.

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