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Nani's POV

I tried to quiet my tears as I packed up, riki didn't bother. Each time he cried it broke my heart more. I snapped out of my thoughts with a message from my parents, all the PR people had been working to clear the rumor but I knew that there would still be people who would work overtime to continue to spread it.

I sat in the living room waiting for the Uber to take me and Bella to the airport, Bella had done her best to talk me out of it but after a while she had just sat next to me and accepted I wouldn't change my mind.

My entire body felt like it was against me leaving this house, a house that I'd spent months making my own. My stomach churned despite me haven't eaten anything, and my head hurt from the tears that had been forced out of my body. My entire body felt weak and although I knew Riki was the only one who could help me, I was to stubborn to turn back.

When the Uber arrived I went immediately toward it, I packed all my things in the back as I got ready to go back home. I couldn't turn back, I wouldn't turn back, because I knew that it i did, I'd probably see riki crying on the doorstep, with eyes that were begging me not to leave, to stay with him. And although my entire being longed for that, I knew that it would hurt me.

I got in the car, slowly seeing my- our house fade into the background, getting so small that k couldn't even see it. Before I could even see riki disappear, my heart mourned the loss of his presence.

Riki's POV

I saw as their car left, Bella stuck her head out to wave at me, and I wished for Nani to do the same, but not all wishes can come true.

Just like that I was alone again, just like I was before. I laid on the couch face down, staring at my phone, part of me hoping that nani would call me laughing, telling me that she was just playing and that she'd be home soon, but that didn't happen.

Instead my phone rang and i answered immediately without having the chance to read the caller ID. "Hello?" I said, my voice filled with hope, yet raw from the crying. "Riki" bitter sweet, because it wasn't Nani, and my heart ached, but it was my sister, and that made it feel better. "Konon" I sigh, and just knowing that she was Thee made me break out in sobs again. "Riki, has she left?" I nod before I Can realize that she can't see me through the phone "yeah. She- she just left." I hear a sigh from the other side "no" my sisters voice seems stern, as if she's scolding me, not comforting "her flight, when does her flight leave?" I check the time, "in an hour." "Then go!" My sister says "go plead your case, don't let her leave so easily. I know that you have more to say to her. Don't let her leave without telling her, don't add that to your list of regrets"


Short chapter but another coming like very soon ;)

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