Flight for my love

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Riki's POV

Im running to put on my shoes before I even hang up. I quickly order an Uber to pick me up a few blocks from my house, at the corner store.

I'm running so fast that I almost forget to lock the house, and every crosswalk and car is an obstacle stopping me from reaching my love. I get to the corner store and start looking for flowers, I choose some pink tulips, ones that k hope she'll love. I pay with the cash I had stuffed in my pocket and yell at the cashier to keep the change because my Uber driver is here, I jumó in the car and I am forever grateful that this man sensed my urgency and did his best to get to the airport on time.

I get there in what seems a humanly impossible amount of time and my first instinct is to look around the airport. My eyes look around in hopes of finding that one of a kind girl that has my heart.

When I realize that I may not be able to spot her in this huge airport, I try a flight attendant who is able to tell me which flight was leading to Mexico. I ran as fast as I could, apologizing to everyone that I bumped into, but I don't think I meant it, because the thing that mattered to me the most was getting to hold her, and never let her go.

And there she was, wearing almost the same exact outfit as the first time I saw her. Where she had once stood when she was coming to me now became the place where she would leave me.

I run up to her and freeze as we make eye contact. I can't control the tears that run down my cheeks when i see her boarding.

Nani's POV

Airport seating is incredibly uncomfortable, but somehow I don't feel the pinching feeling in my back that I usually get waiting for my flight. it may be because I have to much emotional pain inside to notice what now was just a minor inconvenience.

I'm listening to music, it doesn't help, the sad songs remind me of what I'm feeling at this moment without him by my side. The happy songs remind me of what I'm about to lose, or maybe what I've already lost. I stand up to stretch my legs and then we get called to board. First class boards first so me and Bella are almost at the front of the line.

I hand the flight attendant my passport and then I turn around. I believe that I've finally reached my breaking point in my sadness, because it seems like I'm looking at riki, the one that I don't want to lose, standing mere feet away from me, but the line is moving so I get on board and try not to turn back.

Riki's POV

My sadness is overpowered by my want, the need to have her by my side. It's rare to see flights from Korea to Mexico, but it must be the universe telling me that I need to be with her, because there's another flying out in 30 minutes.

I but my ticket immediately, all rational thinking has been thrown out the window and the only thing on my mind is her.

My phone rings almost immediately after. I curse under my breath seeing the caller ID. I had forgotten that my credit card informed my parents about every purchase.

"Riki" my moms voice rings through the phone. "Mom" I say, my voice almost begging "please let me go to her, I need to see her I need to make it right." I hear a shaky breath from the other side "I'm not going to stop you, I'm calling to tell you to be careful. I trust that you can do the right thing, bring her home with you." Relief washes over me then my mother speaks again "I'll contact her family, let them know you're on your way, they'll make arrangements for someone to pick you up from the airport. I love you riki." I cry "I love you too mom, thank you."

I wipe my tears and sit down to wait for my flight. The wait is almost too long and I feel relieved when our gate is called and I enter the small flight with other people.

I try to distract myself with anything and everything, but no movie, book, or video game could distract me for what's to come. I'm chasing after her, I'm flying to a different country, a different continent to chase down the girl I love.

The exhaustion finally gets to me because before I know it I'm drifting to sleep.

I wake up when there's only one hour left of the flight, and I realize I must've slept through the night or something. I'm not sure what timezone we're in anyways.

I get up and go to the bathroom, my bladder begging to release the five glasses of water I had drank before falling asleep.

Luckily there was a bathroom available for me. I honestly regretted looking in the mirror when I saw my reflection. To put it nicely, I looked like shit. I was definitely not ready to have this conversation with Nani, not looking like this.

I tried to the best of my abilities, using my finger and sink water, to fix up my hair and rinse my face. It wasn't perfect and I still wasn't presentable but, good enough.

When I got back to my seat I tried to read my book but got bored after one chapter. I ended up playing several different games that I had downloaded on my phone for the remainder of the flight.

I was able to get off my flight quickly since I hadn't had time to pack any luggage. I felt relieved when I saw a familiar face at the airport. "Junior" I sigh as I hug him "how are you?" He laughs as he pts my back "I'm doing good" he starts walking out of the airport "I'm guessing I can't say the same for you." I laugh "what gave it away." Junior makes a face of contemplation "I don't know, it's between the red eyes and the stench." I blush, "sorry, I didn't have a chance to shower." He slaps my back "don't worry about it, you can shower at my house, that's where you're staying"

The drive from the airport to his house is only about 45 minutes, we talk about different things, but completely avoid the topic of Nani. How could I talk to her cousin about what I had done? I was honestly surprised that he didn't hate me, but I'm guessing he understood where I was coming from.

His house looks cozy, not as big as my family's house but a bit bigger than me and Nani's house. It was nice. I walk in and I'm immediately greeted by a girl "Anissa, nice to meet you" she says. "I'm riki, nice to meet you too." I realize that it's Junior's wife, I hadn't gotten the chance to meet her when he had come to visit. At the same time that I remember the mention of them having a son, Junior comes with a small baby in his arms, not a new born but no older than 3 months old. "Is this-" "Julio" he completes the sentence for me "yeah". I smile, "I'd ask to hold him but I really think I need a shower, I can't do have that conversation with your cousin smelling like this" I laughs awkwardly, hoping to ease whatever tension that might come with the mention of why I'm here.

The look on juniors face as he hands the baby boy to Anissa scares me a bit, "about that" he says "we think that it's better if you let her be for today. Tomorrow we're having a get together, a party kind of. I think that'll be better for her." I nod, "okay, yeah I can wait." He sighs "thank you, it's just a lot. But for now let me show you your room and get you some towels cause boy-". I laugh "I get it, I should've showered."

The shower feels like the most refreshing thing ever. It makes me feel less helpless. I get out and get dressed in some clothes they had for me. Luckily one of juniors cousin in laws wore the same size as me. While I dried my hair I looked around the room. I saw little pictures of Junior and Levi. Nani was in a lot of them. Pictures of them at the lake, riding horses, in amusement parks. I hadn't realized how close she truly was to her cousins, how much family really meant to her. I didn't notice the tears until I tasted the saltiness on my lips. I quickly moved to wipe my eyes and decided I needed to lay down. And so I let myself fall into a deep slumber, with the promise that tomorrow I had a chance to make things right.


I told you the new chapter would be out soon. Yay me! 🤭

We're really close to the end, I'm thinking one or two more chapters and an epilogue. So exciting it's been like 2 years already. Anyways, comments are always appreciated. Love y'all

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