5: Adrift

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It had been a week since Miki had arrived at their home. 

Everyone seemed to be settling in well. Hitoshi and Miki got along incredibly well and the younger teen had met and fallen in love with their cats, Nemo and Rei. Nemo was an hyperactive orange cat and her older brother Rei was a fluffy black cat with a superiority complex. 

In a way, they were very similar to Miki, both in that they took a while to warm up to the couple and that they were all found in or around dumpsters. Shota and Hizashi were starting to sense a pattern in how they acquired pretty much all members of their current family. 

 But that aside, Miki was still a little prickly. His sarcastic and abrasive way of talking had melted into silence. It was more of the caged animal behavior Shota had warned them about. Additionally, he always turned away from them at meal time, shielding his plate like they could take it away whenever they wanted. 

No matter how much they tried to convince him that his room was his own space now, or that his food and clothes were his own now too he continued to act like they would be taken away at any moment. 

So to be blunt, they didn't think he'd care all that much when Shota left for the day to find Furuya Megumi. After all, Hitoshi had been going to school all week and the couple had been out at various times on errands or popping into U.A to get some work done as they couldn't fully return to work until Miki was settled in and it was deemed safe for him to be home alone. 

But as Shota stood in the doorway, Miki clinging to the wall and staring at him with fearful dark eyes, he realized that they were very wrong in thinking it would be fine if he just left for a while. 

"Sweetheart, he's coming back before dinner." Hizashi said, trying to reassure the teen. It didn't do much. Miki still looked anxious and a little trembly. Shota turned back to him after grabbing his hero license and noticed something strange. 

No one was being controlled but pink hearts glowed in Miki's eyes. It seemed Miki must have noticed as his eyes glowed pink for a moment and all of a sudden Shota was under his control. 

"Don't go." He said, his voice stern, shocking Hizashi. Shota erased his quirk immediately after the command and had half a mind to tell the kid off but the shocked expression that crossed Miki's face in the moment stopped him. 

"Hey, kid, look at me." He said, rushing to catch the boy before he collapsed. He shouldn't have tried to use his quirk while he was still exhausted. According to Recovery Girl he would need a week at least to get full use of his quirk back without any negative side effects. 

"I'm sorry," Miki said, wincing "I shouldn't have-shit I'm so sorry. I won't do it again.". Shota quickly tried to shush the boy and calm him down. 

"I know, you're getting used to not using it all the time. No one's mad, Miki. No one's mad.". The limp boy nodded against the hero's chest. Carefully, he leaned the boy up against Hizashi who started running his fingers through the boy's now sparkling clean hair. "I still have to go. Its a very important visit.". 

Miki nodded dejectedly and Shota waved goodbye. 

----- ----- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- 

About and hour after Shota had left Hitoshi and Miki sat in the older teen's room. Hitoshi was doing his homework and Miki was sitting there, staring out the window. 

"I can't feel him." He said, sounding distracted. 

"You can't feel who?" Hitoshi said, leaning back in his chair to look at the other teen. 

"Shota." Miki said, in a bit of a daze. He stopped, the looked to Hitoshi. "You-you wont think I'm evil or anything for this, right?". Miki being unsure was a strange thing, so Hitoshi nodded and turned to face him. 

"I keep using my quirk." He revealed "I wanted to have a hook in your minds, just incase one of you got angry or wanted to-I don't know, turn on me? It sounds creepy as fuck now but its comforting.". 

Hitoshi took it in for a second. "So the hook lets you feel our-brains?". 

"No!" Miki said frantically "I can just sort of feel some emotions. Its part of my quirk. I used to do the same thing with my grandmother, when she'd look me in the eye that is.".

"When she'd look you in the eye?" Hitoshi repeated, a sinking feeling in his gut. Miki said that in the same way Hitoshi described how no one would talk to him. 

Miki sighed. "My grandma had the same quirk as me. Back in the day people weren't as understanding as they are now." He explained. They could both laugh at that. The idea that people were more understanding now was ludicrous. "But when she was young she started wearing super dark glasses to make everyone else feel comfortable. She never made me wear them, but she wouldn't take them off, even if we were alone. Grandma couldn't see people properly with them on.". 

He stopped for a moment, the memories weighing heavily on his heart. "I sometimes wonder if she died not really knowing what I looked like.". 

The two of them sat with that for a little while, Hitoshi's hand laid comfortingly on Miki's shoulder. It was the silent sort of understanding that there was no consoling the heartache the world had given them both. 

---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 

When Shota arrived at the last known residence of Miki's mother, he was a little shocked. It seemed like a perfectly ordinary suburban house in a town not far from Masutafu. It looked every bit a perfect family home, down the new car sitting in the driveway. 

From the description of Furuya Miki had given them she shouldn't be in a house like this. He told them she was always dirty, always spending her money on her drug habit, none of this was represented there. 

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door, ready to meet whoever was inside.


Anyone else wish their family would invest in like a house cleaning service? Like at a certain point 8 straight hours of cleaning is too much ;-; 

So this update is a little late because of all this stuff, but I'll be back with another update soon! I hope you guys like confrontation! 

Stay Tuned! 

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