20: Just The Beginning

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Uraraka and Miki didn't speak, just ate. 

It was like they both had the same idea. Eat the food, so it doesn't get eaten by someone else, then talk. But their plot was thwarted when Nezu poked his head through the door of the unused classroom. 

"You have to eat and talk. You can't do one before the other." The principal said with an overly innocent smile. He shut the door and the two shared a look. Both put their chopsticks down on the table. 

"I'm sorry." Uraraka said suddenly, startling Miki. "I shouldn't have done or said anything. I should have just let you and your family be and I definitely shouldn't have tried to convince people you were the hero killer." She said, speaking quickly and without hesitation, "You even got your ribs broken because of me...". 

The girl bit her lip, the familiar feeling of guilt working its way into her chest. Miki took another bite of his meal, then responded. 

"I don't blame you for the broken ribs. I 100% blame Midoriya. He was too hasty, it was dark, it could have been any pink haired kid he hurt." Miki said honestly. "And I'm sorry for stealing from you. Back then all I could think about was my own survival and not getting caught by social services. You-" He almost hesitated to tell her, but this was a heart to heart, she needed to know everything. "You looked like an easy target. Your uniform was spotless and you seemed sweet. Not like you were from a rough area, knew how to fight or didn't have any money on you.". 

Uraraka nodded, thinking. "I think we both misunderstood the other's role in that situation. You thought I had money to spare, and I thought you were just another villain stealing people's things for no reason. I got especially mad when I thought your parents were my teachers. 'Cause they make good money and all." She said. 

Miki could understand that. "I still don't like that you insulted them, but if I saw a kid who's parents had money stealing from someone who didn't, I'd be pissed too. Probably look into ways of getting it back.". 

The older teen laughed. "I've done that a few times.". Miki's eyes went wide. 

"Miss hero student, a common pick pocket? I couldn't imagine." He said in an overdramatic tone. Uraraka rolled her eyes playfully. 

"Lots of people took my friend's money back then. Like you said, we were easy targets and the neighborhood I lived in was rough. I had to get a lot of wallets back.". 

Miki was shocked, but pleasantly surprised. She wasn't as much of a bully as he had thought. Sure, what she said to him was horrible and she spread rumors that hurt his parents, but they were both misunderstanding each other. 

"My neighborhood was pretty rough too, when I lived in a house." He revealed "My grandma never let me go out at night, I always had to lock the doors by 9.". Uraraka nodded. "My richer friends used to talk about going on light night convenience store runs. I would have gotten assaulted.". Miki laughed, and so did Uraraka, although others might not see it as a laughing matter. 

"Do you have mold in your apartment? Cause I swear before I moved out of my parent's there were mushrooms in the bathroom." Uraraka chucked. Miki nodded excitedly. 

"The smell was awful." He agreed, "At least you probably didn't have to fight mice for food. I had to keep the bread in a safe if I wanted to eat any of it before they got it.". Uraraka laughed. 

"Well I didn't have mice, but I did have to start cooking for myself super early. My parents run a small construction business, so they were always busy." She explained. Miki nodded knowingly. 

"My grandma worked as a chef in a tiny restaurant but I don't think I ever ate her cooking except on holidays. She was always so busy." He said, a fond smile on his face at the memory of her. 

There was a beat of silence where they both resumed eating before Uraraka spoke again. "We shouldn't eat alone anymore.". It was just a statement, it wasn't meant to hit him so hard, but it did. 

"No. No we shouldn't.". 

------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ 

The exams seemed to pass in the blink of an eye and before Miki knew it Shota and Hitoshi had packed bags for a training camp that Hizashi and Miki weren't allowed to go to. 

Hizashi had to stay because he taught some third years English too, and Miki was staying because well, he wasn't a U.A student. He didn't understand why he wasn't one. He could make it into general studies with the mark he recived on the diagnostic test, but he still had to attend middle school and graduate there first. 

So here he was, 15 minutes after they left, cuddled up with the cats, who seemed to also feel their absence. "Oh come on Mini," Hizashi said, a small smile on his face "it wont be awful without them.". Miki just nodded absentmindedly, petting Rei. 

"I'm hurt!" Hizashi announced dramatically "Did our time in the wilderness mean nothing to you? Forget it! I always knew Shota was your favorite!". He dramatically sobbed into his hands, which made Miki laugh. 

"You don't really think that, do you?" Miki said, suddenly concerned they thought he had a preferential parent. Hizashi shook his head. "I don't, I'm just teasing. Now, shake that 'pit of doom' feeling out of your stomach and help me make yakisoba.". 

Miki was a little shocked. If Hizashi could describe what he was feeling that well, did that mean he also felt it? The feeling that something was going to go wrong hadn't left Miki since he heard about the trip. Suddenly, he realized the slight weariness in Hizashi's smile and decided, yes, the blonde man did feel it too. 

He took a deep, shuddery breath and tried to relax. It would be fine. If something went wrong he could catch a train there and-he didn't know-steal a car or something to get to wherever this camp was. 

Despite their best efforts, the noodles tasted salty. 


SOOOOO....I've been procrastinating writing the ohshc book I want to because of school. Okay, so its not really procrastinating since I have a research paper due soon but it feels like procrastination. Technically I could release it now, since the first chapter is done, but I like to have minimum 3 chapters done before I release something, otherwise I have no backup material if writers block hits early on, like it usually does for me. 

Also, I've been writing another fic about a failed nomu after a friend suggested it and I'm kinda in love with the OC so that may or may not show up 👀

Stay Tuned for Miki maybe hijacking a car!! 

(Also how do you guys feel about the nickname Mini? I think it sounds enough like his name, but also has the unintended but added bonus of the minnie-mickey mouse connection lol) 

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