13: What Heroes Are Like

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Apparently yes, it was All Might. What a weird ass world. But how does one start a conversation with the no.1 hero?

'Hello, my name is Miki and I've lost several meals to a particularly aggressive seagull?'. Yeah, no. 

But what was there to talk about? 

Hizashi didn't seem to see his struggle as he happily introduced the two. "So, this is the booth above the stadium. I know you're probably a bit star struck but he's my colleague and we know each other quite well. You only need to stay here until the first challenge is done, after that you can come sit in the recording booth with Sho and I.". 

Miki nodded numbly, his eyes not leaving the hero smiling down at him. "I hope I don't make you too nervous, young Miki. I've been interested in meeting you for a while!" All Might said with a loud chuckle. Miki's guts twisted. 

But Hizashi just gave him a quick side hug and told him to 'have fun' before absolutely ditching him. 

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"So, I hear you're entering your last year of middle school soon. Have you thought about high school at all yet?" All Might asked. They were both standing at the glass of the booth, staring down at the screen below as it displayed the results of the ridiculous first round. 

Miki shook his head silently. High school seemed so far away, even though he was watching a high school competition at that very moment it felt like a world away. "I haven't been to school in a while, so I don't really know what its going to be like yet." He said, trying to make it as casual as possible. 

All Might nodded and smiled. "I've heard quite a bit about you and I think you'd make an amazing hero like Eraserhead." The no.1 hero said, "You have excellent control and willpower. If you just put some effort into your physically strength and stamina you could help a lot of people.". 

The 14 year old stood completely still after hearing that. Did All Might really think that? The best hero in Japan? 

"Try not to look so unsure." The man laughed, clapping a hand on Miki's back "Now, Mic and Eraser should be on their break now, so you should get over to them asap, young Miki.". The teen nodded slowly, his eyes still wide from the conversation. 

Quickly, he scampered off down the hallway, back to the staircase he had come up from. With no idea what to make of the interaction, Miki decided to file the conversation away for later when he was less...shall we say, timid. 

 It didn't look like there was anyone else walking through the stadium's halls as he did. Probably all to busy enjoying the intermission before the individual battles. Miki was excited for them too, Hitoshi was going to be fighting and he would finally be able to see the full spectrum of what his foster brother was capable of. 

He walked quickly through the empty halls, excitement brewing in his chest. It was a kind, warm feeling. He liked it. 

All of a sudden, a door opened and out stepped one of Shota's students. The brown haired girl, Uraraka. 

He tried to just walk past her at first, keeping his head down and speeding up, but as they got closer she rested a hand on his shoulder. "So, have you told them?" She asked, expression unreadable. 

"Told who what?" Miki said, trying to sound less nervous than he was. Uraraka could have already told everyone about mugging her and he couldn't go around explaining his story to everyone. Not when Hizashi and Shota made an effort to keep it as him private information. 

"Have you told your parents about all the stealing?" Uraraka asked, her anger audible in her voice. Miki was nodding before he even realized. 

"They've always known.". Uraraka took a sharp intake of breath. "Why does the child of two pro heroes need to steal a student's wallet? They make good money with both hero work and teaching at U.A. There's no reason you would need my money on top of that. There-there wasn't even much in there." She said through gritted teeth. 

Miki felt a little lightheaded but stayed where he was, even as Uraraka's grip on his shoulder started to hurt. "And to use your quirk to steal from someone!" She said, her eyes full of disgust and contempt "How dare you. Mr. Aizawa should be ashamed of you. Your whole family should be!". 

"They're not-" Miki stuttered out, "They're not my family. I'm not theirs to be ashamed of.". Uraraka just looked at him, angry and confused, waiting for an explanation. 

"Shota isn't my father. He's my foster parent. I didn't even know him when I stole from you so please, leave them out of this." Miki said, his voice pleading and soft. He didn't dare meet the older teen's eyes for fear of what his quirk would do to get him out of this situation. 

"So they know and don't care." Uraraka spat. There was a beat of silence before she spoke again. "What about All Might? Does he know?". 


"Mr. Aizawa said All Might wanted to talk to you. When he did, was he aware of your past? That you're not really their kid? I've seen families with foster kids before, and they always tear them apart. Everyone says they're not worth the money you get to take care of them. Did All Might know that?!" She demanded, voice nearly a shout. Uraraka sounded sad-sad and desperate. 

Miki shook his head, wincing at the pain in his shoulder. Fear coursed through his veins as he tried to refrain from using his quirk to escape. He wasn't allowed to do that anymore. 

"Stop burdening my teachers and go back to what you're supposed to be doing. Stealing wallets from starving middle schoolers." She said, finally relinquishing her grip on the 14 year old. 

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He ran. He ran as fast as he could away from where he had been confronted. 

All he wanted was Shota and Hizashi. They would make it better. He could tell them and they could deal with it. He wouldn't have to feel scared. They would help. 

Or, that's what he thought before his brain drifted to what Uraraka had told him. He didn't even know they got money to take care of him, not that they need the income. 

The thought that he was a burden wasn't new to Miki, but as he put it all into perspective he had really fucked up their lives. He had taken a bunch of attention away from Hitoshi who was training for his dream and needed all the help he could get. He had forced them to take time off work and babysit him 24/7. They had to drag him around to doctors, dentists, dermatologists, social workers and psychiatrists. It was really messed up now that he thought about it. 

When he opened the door to the recording booth and saw the couple, he wasn't reassured like the thought he would be. They smiled and waved at him like normal, gesturing for him to come into the room but he stood there in the doorway, frozen in place.

It all felt so wrong. 


I'm back!

I'm so sorry for the week long break but like I didn't really have a choice. The good news is you can look forward to more content, updates, me replying to comments and questions and all that fun stuff that comes with the internet. 

But I do have a question: 

If I was to write for any other fandom besides bnha, what would you guys pick and why? I'm looked to broaden my horizons a little here. 

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