25: Four Idiots On A Mission

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The boost in views actually gave me the confidence to finish an English project I've been putting off for a while and I presented it today and it was so well received and my classmates actually went out of their way to compliment me about it so basically you guys are the best thing like ever ᕙ(^▿^-ᕙ)


"Himiko, you're 17, right?" 


"And you still don't know how to drive?" 


"So you're saying we have no one to drive us there?"  

The parking garage was silent after that and Hitoshi just sunk into a squat with his head in his hands. 

"We come all this way to steal our parent's car and you don't know how to drive?!" He almost shouted. Miki raised his hand, but Hitoshi put his own up to stop him. "Don't you dare say you can drive because I am not letting my 14 year old little brother drive us to Kamino.". 

"Why don't you drive? You're 16." Miki said, his voice hopeful. Hitoshi sighed. "I never got my license, I was too busy with hero training to study for it. The test is super hard in Japan, you know that right?".

So they sat there in silence. Well, relative silence as Toga had started jingling the keys around and playing with them. After a few awkward moments, Miki sighed and walked over to the car. 

First, he busted the doors open and silenced the car alarm when it went off. Then, he set to work popping the panel behind the wheel open. It took some finagling, but he got it open eventually. 

"Hey, Minnie stop. Pops is gonna kill us if you fuck up his car!" Hitoshi said, rushing over to pull Miki away. 

"Well then you have two options." The youngest teen said matter-of-factly, "You can either let the only person who knows how to drive do it, or I can jack the car and drive just Himiko and I there.". 

Hitoshi glared at him, not at all liking the idea. Car accidents were a real thing and he didn't want to chance dying before they even got to the location. What they were doing was risky enough. 

"You can drive but on one condition.". 

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"Why am I here?" 

"Hey, don't look at me like that candy cane, I was gonna ask you the same thing." Himiko said, shrugging her shoulders. 

"I told you we shouldn't have invited him." Miki said, pouting. Sure, he knew Todoroki was powerful and would be a great help to rescuing Bakugou, but it felt like Hitoshi was just collecting more 'responsible' people because he didn't trust Miki and Himiko to do this on their own. 

Honestly he wouldn't have trusted them either, but it was the principle of the thing! 

"Can we stop for snacks?" Himiko asked, poking her head around Hitoshi's passenger seat. Miki shook his head but didn't take his eyes off the road. "If we stop they might notice that I'm too young to be driving a car.". 

"Its gonna be dark soon anyways, we can just stop halfway there." She said with a wide smile. Miki shot Hitoshi a quick, pleading glance. As much as he wanted to get this done and over with, he was just a 14 year old at the end of the day. Snacks sounded like a great idea if they could hide the fact that a literal child was driving.

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