16: Its You

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"How does it taste?" Toga asked, helping Miki onto one of the steal beams just lying around the abandoned warehouse they had arrived at. 

"Great. I'm not usually a lemon person, but the ice cream is surprisingly good. Thanks again." He said honestly, taking another lick of the cone. They had gotten buns from a local convenience store, Miki stayed out of view of security cameras of course, then gone for ice cream. The 14 year old was convinced Toga was an angel with fangs. 

"No one at the league ever wants to hang out with me, I'm glad I found you. Without someone my age around I probably would have gone insane!" The blonde girl laughed. 

The conversation dulled into a comfortable silence as the two of them ate their frozen treats before Toga spoke again. 

"How did you end up homeless?" She asked, genuine curiosity in her gaze. 

Miki almost instantly started telling her about his grandmother passed away and he was running from social services and the police, but faltered. That wasn't the reason he was homeless anymore. He had a new reason, and it hurt almost as much as the first. 

Toga didn't press, just waited patiently for him to say something. When he was silent for a little too long, she started sharing her own story. "My quirks amazing!" She began "But my dumb parents didn't think so. So they told me not to talk about or think about blood around anyone, and that I was gross or doing so in the first place. For years I pretended I had nothing to do with blood. I was popular, friendly and well behaved. Societies ideal schoolgirl.". 

The 14 year old nodded, enraptured by the story. Toga's almost delirious smile didn't shift once throughout the story. "Then, I saw this boy!" She giggled through the word boy, "And he was pretty beaten up and bleeding and I just fell in love! He looked so strong, yet so delicate!" She gushed. 

"There was uhhhhhh.... an incident. Long story short the police are looking for me now!" She finished, dramatically taking a bow and waving. Miki was more than concerned, but he had met worse people. Besides, Toga had seen blood on his face and hadn't cared, so her infatuation with it must not extend to everyone. He probably wasn't going to get murdered by his new friend, so it was fine. Probably. 

"Well, I lived with my grandma." Miki began. "Then when I was just turning 13 she died unexpectedly. She had a stoke.". He paused and tried to collect himself. "For a year or so I used my quirk to steal wallets and food from people to get by. Then I mugged the wrong guy. His quirk was a lot like mine, almost identical. That weirdo told his parents who came to find me. When they figured out I was young they took me in.". 

He paused for a bit before continuing, "But someone told me I was a burden and I realized I was. They put their time, money and attention into me and all I did was take it. I didn't do anything in return.". 

A pout settled itself on Miki's face as he recalled the memory. He missed them. He missed them all so much. "Did you like living with them?" Toga asked "Did you love each other like family?". 

"I liked living with them, yeah. There was always food, it was warm and they had two adorable cats." Miki answered honestly. 

"Answer my second question Mimi, did you love each other like family?" Toga asked, her tone mocking when she said the nickname. 

"I don't know how families are supposed to love each other." Miki groaned, getting a little frustrated. 

"Bullshit." Toga said, chucking her napkin at Miki's injured face. "I never felt love from my family, but I still know what its like. Its like blood! Red and warm and happy and pumping, never stopping until death!" The girl giggled "I still saw them love each other like family, and now I love more and more people by the day!". 

Miki thought about it for a moment then decided. He did know how families were supposed to love each other. It was like how Shota and Hizashi loved each other. How they loved Hitoshi. How they probably loved him like they said they did when he thought he wasn't listening. 

"So, now that your existential crisis is averted, what are you thoughts on Stainy? I wanna kill him so badly!"

----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ------ ----- 

That night Miki left Toga as she went to work and spent some of his money on a bus to a supposedly safer area. Toga had warned him that it was the area predicted to be the next target of Stain, the hero killer, but Miki wasn't a hero and had nothing to fear. 

He hobbled his way off the bus and down the dark and cold streets, clutching his sweater around him. What he didn't know was someone else was watching him, following closely behind. 

Midoriya couldn't believe what was happening. Here Miki was, in the zone the hero killer was going to target next, walking around in the middle of the night looking nothing short of suspicious. In that moment a feeling in his gut told him Uraraka was right and that he had run away because he couldn't stand being around heroes. 

Cautiously he closed the distance between the two, ready to tackle the younger teen to the ground. 

The U.A student saw Miki shiver and look around, almost as if he knew what was about to happen, and panicked. He boosted himself towards the teen, shoving the boy's small body to the ground. 

"Fuck-" Miki chocked out, coughing and gasping as the air was knocked out of him. "Don't even think of using your quirk!" Midoriya said, feeling a little triumphant. 

Involuntarily, tears welled up in Miki's eyes. It felt like his ribs had been shattered, and as he tried to shift around under the hero student's knees, he confirmed that yes, they were probably broken. It had happened once before and he knew the feeling. 

Midoriya opened his mouth, about to say something else but his phone chimed first. 'Todoroki Shoto shared his location with you'. That didn't make sense. Why would Shoto ask for help? Maybe he had the hero killer with him? Yeah, that was probably right. 

The green haired got a feeling not unlike being doused in a bucket of ice water as he looked down at Miki and realized it wasn't the hero killer he had here, but a normal teen. 

"We're screwed." 


And now I return, as always with an update. I'm sorry that part of the violence got moved to the next chapter, but I like to keep them a certain length. Like Shatter chapters were 2000 words each, Newbie's were about 1500 and Home's are 1000-1300. 

I want to keep enough in each chapter to make them important and non-skippable (because I think if you can skip chapters than those chapters shouldn't be there in the first place) so the whole 'real hero killer fight scene' isn't till the next chapter. 

I didn't plan for Toga to be a character in this fic at first, but she fits it remarkably well. Its gonna suck for Miki when he realizes who she is tho. I feel bad already. 

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