29: First Time?

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"Do you have your backpack?" Hitoshi asked for like the 7th time.

"I'm literally holding it in front of your face." Miki said. He was in fact holding the bag up. His older brother just sighed. 

"You know we're just worried for you. It is your first day of school in quite a long time. We just want you to have a good experience with your teacher, your work and your classmates. Forgetting your bag would be a big deal." Hizashi said with a smile. 

"I don't think he has anything to worry about!" Himiko announced with a smile, "Besides, if anyone gives you trouble, I'll just stab em.". 

Shota held his hand out for Himiko to high five. "That's my girl." The underground hero said with a proud smirk. 

"Okay, okay, no stabbing anyone, you two." Hizashi said with a smile. "Now get out there and have fun.". 

Miki smiled back at his family and nodded before leaving the car and walking into his new middle school. 

The building was pretty standard, they had a track around the back of the school and a big sign out front saying 'Itachi Middle School'. The place was crawling with students in identical uniforms. Some were in large groups, other studying by themselves. Miki was glad the school didn't look rough, although it was in the same neighborhood as U.A, so he doubted it'd be like his last school. 

With a deep breath he opened the front doors and made his way to the office. 

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Miki made a point not to eye contact with any of the students in front of him. It was pretty hard considering the fact he was standing in front of them like a monkey in a zoo, but he managed it somehow. 

"Everyone, this is Kozume Miki, he'll be joining our class for the rest of the year. From what the principal told me, he's had a very interesting few months, which is why he's joining late." The teacher, Mr. Matsuo said, gesturing to Miki. 

The class mumbled some form of 'hello' and went right back to staring at him. "Kozume, you can sit down behind Hano. Hano, please raise your hand for Kozume to see." The teacher directed. A plain looking girl with brown hair and black eyes raised her hand.

'Wow' Miki thought, because that was the most inconvenient spot in the room. Dead center. He was sort of hoping to be in the corner or something since he was coming in late but it appeared not. So he just nodded and shuffled his way through the aisle to his seat. 

"I'm not done with you yet Hano." Mr. Matsuo joked, "You'll be showing him around at lunch.". Hano nodded seriously and refocused her attention on the board. 

"Alright, this morning we'll be going over the reading I assigned yesterday for our class novel study. Oh Kozume, the book is 'Heart' by Natsume Soseki. We're on page 53, so you'll need to catch up for tomorrow as well as get yourself a copy. Now,". 

Miki didn't think he had ever heard someone talk this much. Seriously. Teachers at his old school did not take their jobs this seriously. Not even Toga could talk about one topic for so long, although Miki did realize it was Mr. Matsuo's job to do so. 

Additionally, throughout the lesson Miki felt eyes on him. He never turned around to face them, despite wanting to stare them down like he normally would.

All this culminated into Miki barely understanding what was going on in his first class and a fear that his classmates would be very different to Hitoshi and Shoto's. 

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"So, what happened in your 'very interesting few months'?" 

Miki tried not to show how shocked he was at the question. "Mr. Matsuo said you had something happen, so what was it?". 

Hano had seemed like the shy studious type at first. Now it was obvious to the 14 year old that, although she was studious, she was in no way shy. In fact this was almost bordering on invasive. 

"Its a long story." He said, as they walked past more classrooms. It was like the building was endless. 

"I hate those sorts of 'half answers' if you don't want to tell me, don't. That cover up was entirely unnecessary." Hano said simply. 

"Fine. I was homeless for a while until I ended up getting caught and brought into a foster family who put me in school. Happy?" He snapped. Hano smirked ever so slightly. 

"Very." She responded. Without missing a beat, she disregarded their whole conversation and introduced him to the gym teacher. And then again, like none of that had happened the moment they began walking again she spoke again. "What's your foster family like? I've never interacted with someone without parents before. It must be hard.". 

Miki glared at her. "First off, I have parents. My dads are my parents. Second off, I'm not some pitiful orphan so fix your spoiled little kid misconceptions." He snapped. Hano didn't seem fazed, but Miki wasn't surprised. 

"Speaking like that makes you sound uneducated." "I am uneducated.". 

Yeah. Hano didn't say another word after that and Miki relished in the silence. 

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"She's a real piece of work, huh?". 

Miki spun around to face whoever had said it any found a girl who looked like an inverted Hano. She had the same face as the other girl, just with black hair and brown eyes. 

"How'd you guess." Miki said sarcastically. The girl just chuckled. 

"I go by my first name, Emiko. I'm pretty sure you've figured out that Mariko is my twin, so we can't just go by the same last name at school too." The girl said with a half grin. 

"Wow, I hadn't guessed you two were related." Miki joked, and to his surprise Emiko actually laughed. 

"Its a pretty good rule of thumb that if you don't like my sister, you'll like me. Lets be friends." Emiko said. Miki smiled back at her and nodded. 

Maybe if not everyone at this school was like Hano he'd be able to survive after all. 


Part 2 of the birthday double update is done! 

Hope you guys are ready for the yakuza arc, cause shit isn't gonna stay this calm for long! 

But now for the important stuff! 

You all know the drill, which of the two stories do you want to see?

a) Have you ever been so hopelessly in love with your quirkless best friend you follow him to the top hero school in the country? Because Iwamoto Chiharu has.

Chiharu's been pining after Midoriya Izuku since he moved in when they were in first grade. Since then he's been sticking by Izuku's side, but their closeness is threatened when Izuku announces he wants to go to U.A in front of their entire class. Now he needs to become hero-ready in a couple months. The problem is his quirk isn't really hero material...


b) After one of his classmates tells Mizuno Jun his quirk is weird for the 8th time that day, the 15 year old just snaps. Now on the run from the police he happens upon a member of the infamous League of Villains. After a quick 'audition' Shigaraki lets him join. 

Now a part of the underground, the kid's got a lot to learn before he's considered a real villain. There's codes, relationships and more murders than you can shake a stick at, but after years of sitting quietly he's more than ready to experience it all. And maybe take down some hero students along the day. 

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