27: Lets Go Home

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They waited in silence for the airbags to deflate before assessing the damage. 

Miki was in physical pain from the damage the black cloud teleportation had done to the anchor he had in Dabi's head. It felt like someone had dragged a fish hook through his brain. He was pretty sure he would have passed out from the pain if the accident had instantly broken the connection. n. On top of that, the impact had bruised his ribs severely. They weren't broken, he knew what broken ribs felt like now, but that didn't mean it was easy to breath. 

Hitoshi had a bloody nose from slamming into the airbag full force. He pinched the bridge of his nose gingerly, trying to figure out if it was broken or not. It didn't feel too bad, but the blood coating his clothes said otherwise. 

Shoto was probably in the best shape. He had a bruised cheek, but that was about it. Otherwise he was physically fine. Mentally he was still in shock from the sudden disappearance of two of their passengers. 

"What do we do now?" Miki asked, his voice breathy and pained. 

Hitoshi took a deep breath through his mouth and looked out the shattered window. "I don't know." He said simply. "We had them. They were right here, we were so close.". 

Miki felt his eyes burn with tears of frustration. Why couldn't something just be easy for once? Why was his life always 10 times harder than everyone else's? "Fuck." He swore under his breath, clutching his aching forehead. 

They sat there for a moment before Shoto tried to open his door. It was so busted he had to climb through the window. He realized after that there was no way in hell that car was running again. No amount of repairs was going to fix that. 

The other two got out not long after that and joined him in staring at the ground and coming up with a plan. 

"We don't even know where they are." Miki said, gripping his hair in frustration. 

And then, like the universe was playing some cruel joke on them, the apartment building about 4 blocks down from them exploded. Just like that.

There was a shocked silence, then Shoto spoke. 

"I think I know where they are.". 

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"We should have stayed childless.". 

Hizashi could only pat his husband on the back as they rushed into the area of Kamino that was now a complete disaster zone. "You shouldn't regret having kids just because they're a little troublesome." He said with a small smile.

"A little troublesome?!" Shota asked incredulously, "Zashi, they stole your car and ran away to save someone being held hostage by the most infamous villain organization in all of Japan and you call that 'a little troublesome'? I don't know what you did as a teenager, but I wasn't off doing this!". 

Hizashi could only chuckle at how the situation had ended up. He wished his sons could have hearts of gold and brains to match, but as smart as they were normally they just didn't cope well with sitting around doing nothing and letting the adults handle it. 

"They could be a pile of dust right now." Shota said, his tone quieter and less harsh. He gestured to the explosion zone. Hizashi took a deep breath. 

"You know them." He said simply, "They'll live. They always have. Besides, I trust Toga to kill anyone that gets near them.". Shota chuckled a little at that and pulled his goggles over his face. 

"Lets go rescue some civilians." Hizashi said with a bright smile. 

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"Hey, extra, we have to go." Bakugou whispered furiously. Toga seemed more interested in All Might's battle with All For One than escaping, which was a problem for Bakugou since the only thing on his mind was escape. "I can blast us both out if you get on my back-hey fucking pay attention to me, I'm trying to save your ass!". 

Himiko was actually paying attention to Bakugou's words, she just didn't want to acknowledge that this was happening. 

It was like a smack upside the head from the universe. One big 'last chance to get out'. 

She hadn't hurt many people yet. This whole time she had been lying about killing that one kid. She stabbed him, but it was only in the thigh. He didn't have any lasting damage. 

So here she was, literally forced to choose between a life of crime or...whatever else was out in the world. 

That was a lie, she knew what was waiting out there. It wasn't a scary world that didn't take kindly to 'gross' quirks, it was an apartment with 3 bedrooms, 2 cats and a whole family of weirdos who accepted her without question. 

Toga bit her lip and turned to Bakugou. "Lets go blasty." She said, throwing her arms around Bakugou's shoulders. The hero student smirked as his palms began to explode in anticipation of a boom large enough to land them on a nearby rooftop. 

Miki, Shoto and Hitoshi watched this all from the ground, after figuring out which of the blobs were their friends. 

After seeing them blast off a few times, relatively unsuccessfully, Shoto decided it was his moment to shine. He built up ice in the shape of a road, allowing Bakugou to slide with the momentum he had built up. They wouldn't get any air that way but at least they would be able to escape. 

Bakugou used it like a skating rink to blast himself and Toga over to them. 

Hitoshi didn't move off the ice fast enough and Bakugou knocked right into him. 

Miki and Shoto made eye contact and couldn't help but smile and laugh a little. The tension that had built up just bled away. Hitoshi groaned from his place on the ground as Toga squirmed around on top of the boys. She pulled Miki and Shoto down on top of them and the teens collapsed into a massive pile. 

They were breathing so heavily as the adrenaline wore off they didn't even hear the footsteps approaching them from behind. 

"Fancy seeing you here." A voice said, the tone obviously sarcastic. Miki and Hitoshi instantly scrambled up to hug their dad. 

"You two are the biggest problem children I have ever had the displeasure of being around." Shota grumbled. Hitoshi just laughed, pulling them all closer together. 

"Oh, if only I could drive my children home after this." Hizashi interjected, arriving on the scene. "Such a shame. I do wonder what happened to my car.". 

The brothers looked at each other, not wanting to come out with the truth right away. Himiko on the other hand had to problem answering. 

"Minnie crashed it. Toshi broke his nose...probably at least. I wasn't there." She said, still lying on the ground. Hizashi chocked on air. 

Problem children, the lot of them.


Sorry for the delay in update, school has been fucking me slowly with a chain saw. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for the next arc! 

P.S. I'll probably be posting a pole for my next book here soon, so keep an eye out for it 👀

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