6: Out With The Old

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Before Shota could even walk up to the door a man exited the home. He had ram like horns, brown hair and seemed surprised at the sight of Shota on his front path. 

"Can I help you?" He asked, visibly confused. Shota nodded and opened his wallet to show his hero license. 

"My name is Aizawa Shota, I'm here on a Hero Commission official business. I need to speak with someone by the name of Furuya Megumi?" The hero explained. The man nodded. 

"That's my wife, although her last name is Tanaka now." The man said "Do I have to be in the house while you speak with her? I have an urgent meeting.". 

Shota shook his head. "I wouldn't be able to have this conversation in front of you anyways." He said simply, proceeding into the house. 

It was oddly normal. Nothing out of the ordinary, but almost unnaturally so. No personal touches, just the idea of them. It was warm and inviting yet entirely fake. 

A woman came to the front hall to greet him and in an instant Shota knew who she was. Pink hair, warm brown eyes and the same straight nose the boy he was housing had. "I take it you are Tanaka Megumi, maiden name Furuya Megumi?". 

The woman nodded, a little confused. "My name is Aizawa Shota, and I'm here on Hero Commission and public safety related issues. I am also legally required to tell you everything you say here today will be recorded." He explained, holding up his license. The woman nodded again but much slower, more hesitant. There was a few beats of silence before Shota spoke, turning the professional recording device he had on. 

"What do you think about the name Miki?". Megumi flinched, but kept her composure as she led him into the dining room table.  

"It means 'beautiful tree', right? A lovely girls name." Megumi responded. Shota raised an eyebrow. "And what about Miki as a boy's name? How does that sound?". The woman looked up at him with a searching gaze and her façade dropped. 

"I think its the sort of thing someone high out of their mind names someone." She responded jokingly, weaving her fingers together and placing her hands out in front of her on the table as Shota sat down. 

"That's exactly what I'm here to talk about. You abandoned your son, Kozume Miki, when he was 5 years old, did you not?" The hero said, not sparing any more pleasantries for the woman who had cause Miki so much pain. The woman shushed him and went almost comically quiet. 

"You can't say those things out loud. My husband could still be in the house." She said, her tone angry, as if Shota had wronged her. "He already left." Shota said simply "Now, about Miki-". 

"I don't have to talk about that." Megumi said "You already know what happened and I don't talk about my old life anymore.". "Old life?" Shota parroted. Megumi flustered. 

"My husband, Sota, doesn't know anything about my life before I met him." She said, almost pleadingly "He worked at my treatment facility and we fell in love. How could I have explained my past relationship to him?". 

Shota felt anger bubble up inside him. As if she could just ditch a kid she decided to raise for 5 years and pretend nothing ever happened. "Its been 9 years." Megumi continued "Its hardly a pressing issue. I'm sure he doesn't even remember me.". 

The hero felt his left eye twitch. "He does." The man said, his voice more aggressive then he planned it to be "And even if he didn't, that isn't the point of this conversation. The point is that you left a child in your legal guardianship with a relative and never reappeared, sent money or transferred parental rights. You must understand that this is classified as child abandonment and is a serious offense.". 

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