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"You gave him brain damage! Why would you give him brain damage?!" Hitoshi shouted, his hands gripping the wheel of the car for dear life. He never did get all that great at driving. Miki still maintained that he was better at 14 than Hitoshi is now at 21. 

"I didn't mean to. It's just too strong sometimes." Miki grumbled, looking at the rearview mirror, hoping that no one was chasing them. No such luck. One black van was tailing them. "Shit." The pinked haired man mumbled, pulling his taser gun out of its holster. 

"That's what you deserve for becoming such a flashy hero." The older sibling grumbled. "The whole family decides to be underground heroes except mr special pink hair mc-brain damage.".  Miki pinched his older brother. 

"Someone has to represent quirks like ours in the limelight. I'm not hearing any complaints from the hero commission or their ranking system. Gotta say its pretty sweet from place number 30." Miki bragged. Hitoshi pinched him back. 

"Stop trying to distract me from the fact you showed up to 'help me' take out a guy and instead sent him into a coma!" Hitoshi practically shouted. "Oh." He said, looking behind him, "You should probably duck.". 

Bullets went straight through the back window into the windshield. "Motherfucker." Hitoshi swore. "My cover is beyond blown. Thanks for that by the way, Shiin." The purple haired man said, mocking his brother's hero name. 

"Anytime, Zombie Master." Miki retorted. He heard something, adjusted the visor mirror and noticed another gun pointed at them. "Duck again." He said. Hitoshi did so and nearly smashed into the barriers at the edge of the highway in the process. 

"We are leading them to the right location, right?" Miki asked, pulling out his phone. 

"Are you checking fucking google maps during a high speed chase?" Hitoshi screamed. Miki shrugged. "You and pops both have a bad sense of direction." The younger supplied. Hitoshi groaned and bumped his forehead on the horn a few times. 

"I didn't even want a brother." He mumbled, pulling the car down a city street. It would be harder for them to shoot around this many people. "You just showed up one day after stealing my wallet. We should have left you on that street corner where we found you.". 

"But you didn't." Miki pointed out, a devilish grin. "And look at what you got through me! We have an even split among the kids. 2 girls, 2 boys. I gave you an older sister. It worked out fine.". 

"Shit, Eri's play is tonight." Hitoshi realized, Miki's eyes widened in shock. 

"We're in the middle of a mission, is that really the time to be thinking about this?" Miki asked. Hitoshi glared at him. "I don't know, it seemed like the right time to check google maps, why can't I talk about our baby sister's middle school production of Snow White?!?" He retorted. 

Miki loved winding his brother up while they were on shift together. Their agencies worked together a lot since Miki worked in the Night Eye Memorial Agency and the Somewhere Agency that Hitoshi worked at was their go to for undercover heroes. The brothers were an unpopular pair since you usually don't need two mind control quirks on one mission but this one had been all about stealth. 

Yeah. That went well. They definitely didn't have a yakuza leader shoved in the truck of this rental car after Miki's quirk went a little off the rails. Quirk exhaustion used to make it weaker, now it seemed to run wild, uncontrollable when overworked. He still got those damn headaches though. 

Oh well. They'd make it back in time for Eri's play and that was really all that mattered.

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