23: Homeward Bound

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Toga only woke up once she hit her head again. This time it was just the ground though. 

Startled the teen stood up immediately and stumbled backwards. "Baby?" She asked tentatively, looking down at the filthy heap that was Miki. The noises he was emitting seemed equal parts gasps and sobs. 

"Oh no..." She mumbled, kneeling right in front of the younger boy. "Your friends, they left you." Toga said, realizing what must have happened, "Why did you stay with me? Why wouldn't you go with them?". 

Miki was shocked at the genuine sympathy in Toga's voice. It wasn't what he was used to from her. 

"I-" He gasped again, smoke clogging his lungs, "I couldn't leave you to burn. They're assholes anyways.". Toga laughed wetly, not acknowledging that Miki carrying her away from the flames was by far the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her. 

"Now that I'm awake, why don't I help you up and you can come back with me? I already got some of their blood, that was all I needed to do today. They won't mind if I leave early." Toga said, like this was a birthday party and not a villain attack. 

Miki coughed and wiped his eyes. "My family is here. I have to make sure they're safe. Besides, its not like the league would let you just take me in." He said honestly. Toga shook her head and smiled. 

"With a quirk like yours Shigi would jump at the chance." She answered. Miki laughed a little and shook his head. 

"I have to go home." He said simply. Toga nodded in understanding. "So..." She said, looking at their surroundings "Is this the way towards the base camp or did we get turned around while I was knocked out?". 

"This is the path in." He said pointing in the direction he had been walking in before. Toga nodded and helped the younger teen up. 

"Lets get you home then, Mimi.". 

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If Shota could marry Hizashi all over again, he would. 

The ease and calmness with which he handled the situation was astonishing and it made him realize that as much as he thought of Hizashi as his lovable goofy husband, Hizashi was also a very well known and effective hero. 

But right now they were dealing with being pulled in two very different directions. They couldn't leave the building, not with all the gen studies and hero students inside, but at the same time Bakugou, who was the league's target was out there. So was Miki, which was a whole other issue entirely. 

Asui wouldn't tell them the details exactly, just that Miki knew the villain that attacked them and Uraraka didn't like that. Honestly Shota didn't like it either. Having dangerous people around his son was the last thing he wanted to happen, but he was helpless in this situation. 

All he could do was hope that Miki and that villain were friends enough that neither of them ended up dead. 

"Do you think he'll make it out okay?" Shota asked, staring out at the blazing wilderness. Hizashi pinched him playfully. 

"How dare you suggest my son won't survive. I raised him right." The pro hero joked. There was an underlying seriousness to it, but Shota decided not to question it. 

"I mean okay as in-physically and mentally." Shota said, still not taking his eyes off the view. He worried about the rest of his students too, being out there in an undisclosed location. They might not even make it back within 24 hours, and then things could get really dangerous. But at least their quirks were directly offensive, or they had others with them to help. Miki didn't have that and to be frank he was physically still recovering from broken ribs and malnourishment. 

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