8: Take Your 'Son' To Work Day Pt. 1

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Miki didn't know how to process any of what had happened. One minute, he had been having fun, seeing a part of the world he hadn't before, the next he was in a hospital room that reeked of anti septic. It was only made worse because it was Shota who they were there for. 

According to both Hitoshi and the news their training exercise had been interrupted by some people calling themselves the League of Villains who injured several students and teachers, Shota included. In the end All Might had been the one to stop them and he barely did that before irreversible damage was done to someone. 

"You with us Miki?" Hizashi asked, carding his finger's through the teen's pink hair. Miki nodded absentmindedly. "Okay, well we just telling Sho that he can't go back to teaching until he's full healed up.". 

"You know I can't take that much time off work." The living mummy in the hospital bed shot back "The sports festival has been okayed and I need to prepare my problem children.". 

"You're a problem child." Hizashi groaned "You can't even write like this!". Shota just turned his head away, deciding to be petty about it. He knew Hizashi was right, he shouldn't go back. It would be better for both him and his family, but he didn't have a choice. If he couldn't prepare his students for the sports festival he would be failing them. Plus, he had to get back to training Hitoshi for the same event, it was his best chance to be noticed as a potential transfer. 

The blonde hero sighed and considered it for a few minutes. "Alright, you can go back if, and this is a big if, you have someone help you out. Maybe Nerumi will be willing to help, but I can't throw you to a group of rowdy teenagers when you can barely see the board.". 

Shota smirked under the bandages. "Fine, I'll take Miki.". This caught the teen's attention. He was going to U.A? What would it be like? Are the heroes there nice like Hizashi and Shota or were they mean like the ones that tried to arrest him for sleeping rough? 

Hizashi was about to chew the hell out of Shota for suggesting something so irresponsible, since they didn't really know what Miki could handle anxiety wise, but he saw the boy's reaction and just couldn't. Miki looked excited and how could he say no to that face? 

"Fine." He relented "You can take Miki for one day, but don't let him run around too much, his legs will give out and make sure he eats.". 

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"This is my youngest, Miki. He's here to help me today since I can't exactly see very well." Shota explained. His class stared dumbfounded at the sight of the pair. Miki had put a mask on, since he didn't really like crowds, which was weird not because he wanted to wear a mask but because he also didn't like being alone. It was a fine line. 

"D-d-do you mean youngest as in he's your kid...?" Midoriya asked, hand raised and face shocked. "Mr. Aizawa, you have a kid?!" Kaminari shouted, just realizing now what their teacher had said. A few more people shouted out in confusion and excitement. 

"You're all too loud." Shota said, using his quirk and glaring down his students. "Not that its any of your business but for all intents and purposes yes, he is my child. Now, unless you'd like me to let him use his quirk to shut you up, sit down and keep your mouths closed while I do attendance.". 

Although the comment made most students about what the quirk of a pro heroes kid would be like it just didn't sit right with one student. Uraraka couldn't quite pinpoint what about the comment had made her feel like this, but as she looked back up to the board and saw Miki's black eyes she suddenly remembered an incident from when she was back in middle school. 

It was him. Mr. Aizawa's son was the guy who'd mugged her! Uraraka couldn't believe she didn't recognize him on sight, especially since he had a very similar mask on now to the one he was wearing then. 

Miki seemed to recognize her too but instead of ignoring her like she assumed her gaze her an almost apologetic look. He waited until Shota started the lecture and enough eyes were off him to pull his mask down. 'I'm sorry' he mouthed before turning away from Uraraka. 

The 14 year old assumed he had gotten away with that and that since the girl was a hero student she would be nice enough to let it slide. He barely even recognized her from back then, his memory wasn't exactly great during that time, but the moment she looked at him like that it brought the entire incident back. 

Now he was really in deep shit. That hero student was a ticking time bomb. Sure, Shota probably wouldn't care, he had mugged his own son and he didn't really care after all (although he did make Miki apologize). Whoever was in change of U.A on the other hand-who knows what they would do. 

In the end, barring using his quirk to shut her up, he couldn't do anything to stop inevitable. He just hoped he didn't end up with a criminal record and Shota didn't end up looked down on because of who he chose to save. 

"You three in the front." Shota said, startling Miki out of his own thoughts "Obviously you didn't take my 'no talking in class threats' seriously enough. Miki, you can use your quirk. Don't tell Zashi that I let you though.".

The pink haired teen nodded and turned to face who his foster parent was talking about. There was a pink haired girl, a red haired boy and an invisible girl. He looked to Shota with a bit of a bewildered expression. How would he know she was looking at him if she was invisible? Unfortunately Shota had already turned back around to continue the lesson and the rest of the class was looking to him. 

"I don't think its fair we shouldn't get to talk, you let Yaomomo talk!" "That's to answer questions." Shota shot back without even turning around. 

Willing to take the risk Miki looked over to the invisible girl and felt his quirk take. She felt curious. Well, that was better than feeling anxious. Quickly he met eyes with the other two and braced himself for the influx of fear through the line. Suddenly discovering you can't move wasn't a pleasant experience and Miki was used to the reaction his quirk garnered. "Don't talk and pay attention to Sho-Mr. Aizawa." He said in a small voice, trying to word the command as nicely as possible. 

Shota turned around to smile at him as he saw the three refocus on the board. Miki was just happy to be useful. 

This was going to be one hell of a day. 


Welcome to my brain 

Today's honorable mention goes to...how  much of this chapter I deleted and had to rewrite because reasons!! ✨ Congratulations to me own indecision! ✨

Stay Tuned for part 2 of this chapter! 

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