11: It Suits You, Doesn't It?

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There were a few more beats of silence before Hana cleared her throat. 

"As I was saying," She continued "Mrs. Tanaka didn't provide any sort of support for Ms. Kozume when she left the child in question with her. She had also never met Ms. Kozume prior to dropping him off there, meaning she was not 'a trusted family member'. Miki described the feeling of abandonment he felt that day with horrid detail and it hurt him so deeply that when offered the chance to appear in court today he decided to stay home as he didn't want to see his biological mother.".

This seemed to hurt Megumi. She looked pained, but not as pained as her husband did.

"I have already presented the judge with the recording of the initial meeting between a pro hero and Mrs. Tanaka, which proves that she is not enthusiastic about the possibility to housing and caring for Miki again. To end my statement I would like to say with my full authority I believe Kozume Miki would benefit from living with the foster family he is currently staying with most.".

The judge nodded. "I did indeed hear the recording." She said "I have to say I was quite disturbed that Mrs. Tanaka's statement omitted the child's period of homelessness at 13. This is both a serious negligence of the police and the guardian but I will not minimize the part Kozume Miki's quirk played in that and in many other things. A quirk like that-." the judge just shook her head "complicates things. It even makes it harder to prove statements are valid.".

Shota's blood boiled. As if they had the right to not believe what Miki said simply because of his quirk. Quirk discrimination really was rampant. 

"Are there any other statements to be made before I make my decision?" The judge asked. Surprisingly, Megumi's husband stood up.

"I wasn't aware my wife had any children apart from our daughters." The man explained. Shota rolled his eyes in advance. Here came the emotional plea off a man who thinks he's doing the right thing and has no idea how wrong he is. "Asami and Ayako make us so unbelievably happy, and I like to think we're both wonderful parents. When I learned of Miki's existence it was because Asami, our eldest asked me if we had another baby before her. Megumi then came clean and explained everything, sobbing as she did so. She showed me Miki's picture, from when he was a little boy, and I fell in love. I just want to be able to raise him as my son and give him the love he deserves. He wont get that in a foster home.". 

Hana looked like she was going to interject, so the judge just allowed her to speak. "With all due respect I don't think you can decide what is the best course of action for a child you've never met. I, on the other hand, have had quite a few meetings with Kozume at this point-".

The social worker went on to explain to the man and judge that Miki had very specific emotional needs at this point and that they couldn't be met by the person who abandoned him. 

Shota unclenched his jaw for the first time since Tanaka had stopped talking. He was about to say something when Hizashi spoke. "I'm a selfish man." The pro hero said, a sheepish smile on his face. 

"Why?" Shota asked, squeezing his husband's hand in encouragement. "Because even if the judge rules in favor of social services there's still a chance we could lose him and-" He stopped for a moment, as if considering whether or not he should say what he was thinking. In the end, his resolve crumbled and he spoke again. "I'm attached, Sho." Hizashi said simply "I'm so attached you might even say I love him.". 

The pro hero couldn't help but smile at his partner. "You should have seen his face when he was watching my class train." He said, his happiness audible in his voice "I could have sworn I saw some sparkle in there. I don't think his quirk absorbs all the light that hits his eyes like we thought, I just think he needs time.". 

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