Finale: Stronger Together

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Himiko found herself enveloped in an embrace warmer than anything she had ever felt before. 

It felt like love. 

She just sobbed harder, the sound of her own voice smothering the sound of her parents trying to comfort her. No one approached them, not even the paramedics. They all seemed to understand to let them have their moment. 

She had never been held like this before. Like she meant the world to someone. Like someone wanted to pick up her pieces. Her old parents had never done this not once in her life. 

"I-I thought they were going to kill me. Kill all of us. I was so scared dad. I-" She stumbled over her words, gasping for breath and clutching her rib cage. Hizashi brushed her bangs out of her face and kissed her gently on the forehead. 

"You did such a good job baby." He said, meaning every word. "They're all alive, and everything's going to be fine. Its okay.". Shota nodded silently, clutching the girl closer to him. The 17 year old had never looked so small. So fragile, like the wind could blow her over. 

"Zashi's right, Himiko. You did an amazing job." Shota said, trying to console the girl. She nodded absentminded, wiping her tears on Shota's nice suit jacket in the process. He couldn't find it, even in his deepest darkest depths, to mind. 

The trio slowly approached the trio of ambulances. It was Eri that moved first, jumping out of the ambulance and running towards them. She hit Hizashi's knees with so much force he nearly fell over. 

"You came back." The girl said, her eyes watering. Shota didn't hesitate to scoop the tiny girl into his arms, sandwiching her between him and Himiko. "Of course we came back. That's what families do." He said, his tone matter-of-fact but a bit wet with tears. 

Eri's eyes sparkled at the mention of the word. "Family." She repeated to herself, before diving back into Shota's chest, cuddling closer to him. She reached out her hand to grab Hizashi's and the pro hero accepted it gladly. 

When her tiny fingers could only hold three of his larger one's the blonde nearly sobbed all over again. He just wanted to protect them all. 

"Hey, sit back down!" Someone said. Shota looked up. It was the paramedic that had been treating Hitoshi. The boy himself had gotten up and was walking towards them, coughing once or twice as he did so. 

Hizashi, never letting go of Eri's hand, opened his arms for Hizashi to fall into. And oh he did. Falling into his father's embrace felt perfect. Like nothing could hurt him there.

 It felt like safety. 

He felt as cared for and loved as the first day he met the couple, back when he was living alone. They had shown him his worth, shown him that he was someone worth loving and someone worth giving a chance to. 

It was then that Shota realized he was wearing the capture weapon. Hitoshi seemed to be able to read his mind and just smiled, coughing a little as he did so. "I needed it." He explained, "We couldn't find an exit-the stairwell was on fire and the elevator wouldn't be safe. I got it to work. I did it.". 

The weight those words held was immeasurable. Shota had been trying to train him to use it for so long now, but it just wouldn't respond to Hitoshi. But he had done it. When they needed him to he had pulled through. Shota pulled Hitoshi and Toga into another group hug, Eri still in the center. 

The last person to get up was Miki. His legs wobbled uncomfortably and the couple couldn't help but notice that blood was all over his shirt and arms. But he didn't have any open cuts-Hizashi sucked in a breath. 

Miki looked at his family, pressed close together like someone was going to tear them apart. He looked down at his bare, blood spotted feet and wondered if that person was him. 

Home (BNHA x Male OC)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara