15: Take Your Mind Off It

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Miki was slippery. 

That was a fact the family had become unnaturally accustomed to these past three days. Shota used to wonder how he hid from the police and social services for over a year, now he didn't wonder. 

Over 72 hour (approximately) had passed since Miki left the apartment and not a single hint had come up. Hizashi had gone back to the neighborhood that Shota found Miki in initially, but there was no sign of him. They were tired. Not tired of searching or thinking about it, but physically they were exhausted. 

Both parents were still required to teach and Hitoshi still had to attend school. They had used up their emergency leave already and Nezu was making a point that they should leave it to the police. The couple argued that he didn't understand what it was like to have a child out there, god knows where, having god knows what done to him. 

That was another problem. No one would even entertain the idea Miki could be in danger and was an urgent case. He had been homeless before so everyone assumed he could handle himself. Even All Might had alluded the fact he didn't think Miki would be in any trouble. 

They, of course, thought otherwise. Miki hadn't been very successful at finding food for himself or meeting any of his basic needs. Hizashi was agonized over every detail. That he didn't have any skin cream for his sores, no toothbrush and a limited amount of clothes for the increasingly cold nights. 

But none of this could even scratch the surface of their biggest problem. 

"The hero killer attacked Ingenium last night!" Thirteen said, rushing into the office. The teacher's all looked up to at their colleague in shock then turned to Hizashi and Shota. 

Everyone thought Miki was the hero killer. 

How they could suspect a 14 year old they had all met before was a psychotic murderer was beyond them but in some sort of sick coincidence the moment Miki disappeared the hero killer's victims started increasing in frequency. 

It didn't help that when they received the brief from the hero commission about the hero killer the representative had made a point to explain that whoever the hero killer was, they probably had some sort of paralysis quirk. 

From that moment onwards everyone at U.A who knew Miki started drawing more and more parallels to the kid and the hero killer. Even 1-A had their suspicions. Midoriya's friend group specifically seemed hooked on the idea. Shota still had no idea why. 

Shota would never suspect Miki. The boy was so apologetic when he used his quirk to ever try to make someone do something they didn't want to and he had stolen out of necessity. And sure, he was more acquainted with his quirk and capabilities than Hitoshi was but at a fundamental level just like his foster brother Miki feared his quirk. 

But whenever they tried to tell someone this they'd always respond with 'I don't know him well enough to say for sure' and 'but you didn't know him long, and foster kids are messed up'. It was infuriating, especially when the pro heroes were already worried about Miki being alone out there with a murderer on the lose. 

Basically they wanted their baby back home safe and soon. Both for his safety and his reputation. 

------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ------ 

Halfway across the city, Miki wasn't having a better time. The first two nights had been fine, but in an attempt to not be found in his usually places, he had to move to more dangerous parts of the city. That meant opening himself up too...less savory characters and a little bit more violence than he was used to. 

That was a real nice way of saying he slept in a park last night and a group of people beat him up. Badly. 

And that is why ice rinks were the fucking best. Free ice. Sure, it was chemical filled and dirty as hell, but when you have a black eye and swollen ankle, it was a godsend. 

Miki was sitting on the asphalt, holding an ever melting handful of snow to his face while his bare foot was stuck in a small pile. It was only a matter of time before someone ran him off anyways, there was no point in being subtle. 

He exhaled shakily and was about to lied down when someone or something jumped into the pile of snow behind him. Readying himself for an angry raccoon Miki stood up and faced the pile. 

It wasn't a raccoon at all, or even an animal. It was a random blonde girl in a school uniform who was making snow angels in the filthy sludge, smiling without a care in the world. 

"You look pretty rough for a baby. What happened?" She asked, not looking at Miki and continuing to flail her arms and legs, a wide smile on her face. If she wouldn't look him in the eyes, Miki had no chance using his quirk to get her to leave him alone. 

Reluctantly, he sat back down on the ground. "Some assholes decided I was sleeping in their spot.". Miki gestured to his bruised body and the girl sat up and nodded, looking him over. 

"I guess you're homeless too. Well, I'm not really homeless but Shigi only lets me stay at work like-three nights a week." The girl said, her grin widening, "We should hang out for the day! I'll buy you food and we can be best friends! What do ya say?". 

Miki was a guarded person. He was cautious and untrusting, even with people who seem more or less harmless. Even with people who are in a similar situation as a homeless teenager. 

Miki was also hungry.

He hadn't eaten since he left. He didn't have the heart to leave Masutafu, too afraid of what was out there and, if he was being honest, he didn't want to be too far from Shota, Hizashi and Hitoshi. But going into a store to spend the money was risky too since if the cameras saw him anyone looking for him would probably be able to. 

"Why not?" Miki said, shoving his sock and shoe back on his swollen foot. He tried to take a couple steps towards his new friend, but nearly fell over doing so. Luckily, the girl acted fast, rushing over to keep him standing before he could hit the ground. 

Without even so much as a glace, the older girl pulled Miki onto her back. Either she was really fucking strong or Miki weighed a hell of a lot less than he thought he did because she didn't put any effort into lifting him. 

"I'm Toga Himiko and I'm 16 years old, you?" She said as she began walking off towards wherever the hell she was taking Miki. 

"Kozume Miki. And I'm 14." He answered easily. Toga giggled. "Wow, you really are a baby. Now lets get you some food and a brace for your ankle.". 

Miki nodded silently, relieved at the lack of pressure on his ankle. He allowed himself and for a moment he let his mind wander. Toga was warmer than he though she'd be. 


Bet you didn't see that hero killer Miki connection coming! 

Get yourselves ready for some VI-O-LEN-CE! 

I've started writing an ohshc fic which is really fun so at some point you guy's will get to see a blurb/summary for a it. I'm lowkey hyped about that since its such a fun and lighthearted anime. 

So Stay Tuned! 

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