7: A Mountain Of Struggles

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"We've got to get going!" Hizashi called out into the apartment. Shota had a special training session with his class today and Hitoshi had school so to avoid being cooped up at home all day Hizashi decided it would be a good time to take Miki out. 

The teen hadn't really left the house and when he did he was constantly on edge. The couple supposed he had to be that vigilant at one point, but with two heroes right next to him there was very little to fear. 

Since trips to the grocery store and the movie theater hadn't worked, Hizashi was taking him to a wildlife park just outside of Masutafu. The whole family had gone there a few weeks before Miki showed up and loved it so Hizashi thought it would be good for the boy. Plus, he had never really experienced nature having never left the city. 

"Have fun." Shota said, walking to the door to ruffle Miki's hair "And make sure you're wearing enough sunscreen. Bring a hat too, I'm not dealing with another sunburn. Not after Hitoshi's a month ago.". Suddenly the hero was packing a whole other bag for the two, ignoring the fact he was supposed to be getting to work. "Did you bring water?" Hizashi nodded. Shota raised an eyebrow. "Snacks?" He asked skeptically. 

"I have cookies, fresh fruit and some rice paper rolls I made this morning. Now go to work!" Hizashi said, a fond smile on his face. The couple shared a kiss before heading off to the parking garage. 

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Miki watched the view from the window like it was the best movie he had ever seen. His eyes never left it for a second. The teen watched with undivided attention as the urban center melted away into forested areas with small houses popping up now and then. 

"Its so green..." The teen mumbled. Hizashi tried not to laugh, he didn't want Miki to think he was laughing at him, but the teen was so cute. The adorable nature of their situation almost covered how sad it was that he was amazed by something so small as a non-urban area. 

"We should go to the ocean next, with the other two the next time." Hizashi said, turning off the highway and into the parking lot of the wildlife park. "Alright, now if your legs start to give out just tell me, okay? I don't want you to hurt yourself. And don't wander off, I don't want to have to shout for you, if you know what I mean." The hero winked and Miki tried not to roll his eyes. 

He looked more enthusiastic then he ever had before as they started down the trail. Since it was a weekday and midmorning there wasn't anyone else there. Of course, there would probably be a few further up the trail but right now it was nothing but the two of them and the loud sounds of the birds around them. 

Suddenly, the 14 year old stopped walking, staring at a particular spot just off the path. "What's up?" Hizashi asked, turning around to face the boy. He couldn't quite tell what he was staring at until a small 'flowers...' slipped past the teen's lips. Hizashi smiled fondly and went to stand beside the boy. 

"They're called Kikyo." He explained, pointing to the small violet flowers. Miki startled at how close the voice was but nodded, absorbing the information. "In english they're called Bellflowers. Now," The blonde man said, pulling out his phone "I'm going to have to google the meaning. Flowers have always been more Shota's thing than mine. I tend not to do well with small, fragile things.". 

Miki leaned over, desperately trying to read the phone screen despite being too short to see it properly. "What do they mean?" He asked, face blank but voice expectant. 

"Everlasting or unconditional love." Hizashi announced. "That's a good one. Some other flowers get not so lucky meanings. Do you want to pick some to put in some water at home?". Miki seemed to think about it for a second. 

He wanted to pick one, but he had denied himself more necessary things before. He didn't want Hizashi thinking he was greedy or weak for wanting something. At the same time, he was a fucking idiot and it was just a flower.

"Sure. Just two though." Miki said, a light blush on his face. He bent down and picked the two he thought looked the most like Hitoshi's hair colour and the two kept walking. 

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A hour or so later the two were taking a break by a pond. It was fairly large and almost unnaturally clear, allowing you to see all the fish in the shallows. And of course that is where Miki had decided to sit, right by the water, the sunlight reflecting off the pond's surface and onto with pale skin and wide, astonished eyes. 

Hizashi took a few pictures and sent them to Shota before turning away to grab a water bottle. When he looked back Miki was sitting on his knees, staring with wide eyes at an indent in the pond just two meters away from him. 

The pro hero couldn't quite see what he was staring at but when he did it made sense. A few seconds after searching, he saw it. Staring right back at Miki was a deer. A normal run of the mill deer, but something about the way Miki looked at it made Hizashi think the boy thought it was anything but. 

Miki just sat there, not breathing for fear any movement would scare it away from him. Never before had he seen a wild animal that wasn't a bird or stray cat. It simultaneously the prettiest and coolest thing he had ever seen and he couldn't even pretend to be embarrassed at being so amazed by it. 

Then Hizashi saw something. No one else could have seen it, in an instant it was gone but Hizashi swore it was there. For a moment the water reflected into Miki's eyes and they sparkled. Like stars in the night sky, like glitter on a card they absolutely sparkled. 

But of course, something had to ruin the moment and Hizashi's phone started ringing. The deer ran off, startled, and Miki turned around looking almost angry with Hizashi. The blonde man huffed and picked up the phone, answering with a loud huff of 'What is it?'. 

The hero's face fell and Miki walked towards him, curious at what was going on. Hizashi didn't speak for the rest of the call only put his hand on Miki's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "We're going to have to cut the trip short, somethings happened at the U.S.J and Shota's been hospitalized.". 



But I mean this is me so you should expect this at some point. I'm one dramatic motherfucker. 

We're already at 360 views! That's like 1 full rotation of views! 

Stay Tuned or more! 

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