My Property (Fred Weasley)

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I groaned at the nervousness that continued to claw at me. I was surrounded by what seemed to be first years in Hogwarts; that normally isn't bad, but I'm transferring here from Ilvermorny and I bet that seeing a grown woman walk alongside first years to get sorted isn't a normal sight.

The doors to the great hall opened and my nervousness just grew tenfold. Students looked at us... more so-me. I was a grown woman walking with children.

"Alright then. Let's welcome the first years and get into sorting" A lady who I learned to be was Professor McGonagall announced after the hat had finished its song

"Amanda Gallagher"


"Connor Muse"


"Dianne Pucey"


It went on for all the first years until all of them were sorted. The headmaster then clinked his glass and stood up to make an announcement. I was just standing there at the center of the great hall so I prayed that he would just get on with it.

"I have an announcement to make. We have a transferee here from Ilvermorny School of Magic and I wish that you students try to accommodate her in any way you can" He then went back to his seat and had Professor McGonagall usher me to the seat for the sorting hat

"Hmmm very difficult. You're cunning and have a thirst to prove yourself, but you're also courageous and stand by the good... better be... GRYFFINDOR!"

Shouts and claps erupted from the table of gold and scarlet. I got down from the chair and took an empty seat near a bunch of gingers

"Let the feast... begin" Food appeared from the tables and everyone began eating. I took a plate of chicken and mash and dug in.

"So... Ilvermorny, what's that like?" the man across from me asked

"Don't bother her Fred. She just got here" a girl with bushy hair said "Hi. I'm Hermione. Hermione Jean Granger" she held out a hand from across the table

"Hello" I smiled "I'm Y/n. Y/n Rosewell" I took her hand and shook it

"Merlin... You're a Rosewell?" another ginger commented from beside me. I laughed and just nodded. My family was well known for their influence and riches in the ministry.

"Well, you certainly don't look like a Rosewell," the same voice from earlier said, and only then did I realize that they were twins

"George" Hermione snapped "You don't just say that!"

"I meant that she didn't look snobbish" I laughed, shaking my head. They were correct though, my family isn't particularly rude and we don't exactly follow the pureblood supremacy thing, but since we had money and influence, people just assumed that we were like every other pureblood family

"I understand, but my family and I are really not like those families who follow that stupid pureblood supremacy mish-mash"

"Fred. Fred Weasley-" the same boy who asked me first about Ilvermorny earlier said "And I'm George Weasley-" the other one said beside him "We're twins," they both said simultaneously

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