Aroma of Amore (James Potter)

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A/n: Just finished all that I need to finish! But sadly, I still have new assessments that need tending to:/
Anyways, I hope this oneshot is enjoyed and feel free to request!


I groan as boredom easily takes over me once more. I had finished everything I needed to finish and I was now suffering boredom on my free period. The period that I should be enjoying whilst doing something stupid! Helga, I was even shocked with myself to begin with, I had never finished anything so quickly before.

"Lupin!" I froze. Merlin, why did it feel like my lungs suddenly got so much tighter. He shouldn't have this effect on me. Not when we're at our 6th year.

"Potter," I smiled at the boy who jogged towards me with that stupid nerdy smile of his "What can I do for you?"

"Well, I heard the you're done with your Potions essay? I was kinda hoping that you'd maybe help me out with that particular subject. The subject had always been a weak one of mine and I don't even know why I signed up for it anyway" He said shyly, a red tind covering his cheeks as he rubbed his hand over the nape of his neck.

"Wow," I spoke in mock shock, "Is the James Potter asking for help in a school subject?" I give him a teasing smile. Rolling his eyes at me, he starts walking towards me and once again, gives me that blasted smile of his

"So will you help me? I've got a free period right now" He asked as he laid his bag down on the table beside mine

"What about your friends or Lily? They'll surely be looking for you" I say. Normally, I'd be down and immediately help him with his Potions, but lately I just can't find myself functioning properly around him. Helga, this crush had gone on for long enough - literally six years - and it proceeds to get worse as the time passes. It's bad enough that he's still pursuing Lily as it is, but now it's on a different level seeing as to how I can never say no to him.

"Sirius, Peter, and your brother are off planning some sort of prank and Lily's still pissed off on my latest 'pursue' on her" He explained, ruffling through his bags and taking out his Potions book which had multiple creases and ink spills on it "Come on, Lupin. You're my only hope other than your brother"

I sigh, "Helga, Remus needs to get new friends" He laughs at my words before shamefully handing me the book.

"You know you love me"

I do

"- Sorry about the ink by the way. We just have mishaps now and then" He quickly added, trying to use his finger to erase away the ink spills that the parchment had already soaked in.

"It wouldn't be a Marauders book if it didn't have anything wrong with it" I laugh, "Even Remus gets a couple of spills and creases now and then" He seemed to have lost the embarrassment on his face. Clearing his throat, he pointed to a section that he particularly had a hard time understanding.


"Yeah, I understand it, but the ingredients and the whole idea of it sort of still befuddles me. We won't have the lesson until next week, but Moony had somehow convinced me to prepare for it" He says sheepishly, slipping to a page on the book that had the word 'Amortentia' underlined.

I nodded as I pulled out a parchment from my bag and started to write down its basic meanings. I'd still discuss it with him, but having his own clear review of the topic would definitely help him understand Amortentia further.

"Amortentia is basically a love potion. It causes infatuation on the person the drinker first sees. It's why most Amortentia-laced products have letters that contain the face or appearance of the giver. When smelled, you can smell the person that you love the most. It's why a lot of people also use it to find out who they love or what-not" I explain as I hand him the rolled up parchment. Taking it, he looks over it and gives me a grateful smile.

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