Game On (Oliver Wood)

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"Hey, Maine!" I groan at the voice. The damned man just won't leave me alone!

"Yes, Wood?" I turn away from my breakfast to see him walking towards me

"Go on a date with me"

"For the hundredth time this week, Wood. No" I face my breakfast again when he slid onto the space beside me. Merlin I'm going to kill Alice for leaving me here alone.

"Why not?" he asked, his Scottish accent getting thicker. I sighed, did this man not realize that I'm not falling for his stupid accent and his stupid face

"Because your life revolves around Quidditch and sometimes," I face him "a good shag. Word gets around, Wood; you pass them around like they're a quaffle and you're a chaser"

"No, I don't" I gave him a look


"It was a dare and if I didn't do it then I would've had given up being captain for a day" I made a face and he shrugged


"She knew it was just the shag"


"She just gets too attached"

"Merlin, you're even worse than I thought" I stood up and got ready to leave the hall to escape Wood, but him being his annoying arse; he followed me "And besides, I'm a chaser in the Ravenclaw team. Surely you wouldn't have asked me if you didn't have some sort of plan"

"I don't have a plan! I just like you. Come on! Just one date and besides, your friend Alice already told me that you liked me" I froze. I am so gonna kill Alice now

I resumed walking "Yes, but I don't like you enough to set myself up for pain"

"How're you sure it's gonna be pain?" I shrugged as an answer "What do I have to do to get you to go on a date with me?"


"There has to be something, lass. Anything"

"You know..." I trail off, stopping to face him "there is something"

"Well go on then. What do I gotta do to get into that little heart of yours"

"You can...leave me alone" I smiled then walked away. I thought he had finally given up when I didn't hear him follow me, but I was miserably wrong. He appeared beside me again in a matter of seconds

"How 'bout a game, lass?"

"Rowena, you want to play with my feelings?!"

"What- No! Will you let me finish!" I shut my mouth, waiting for him to continue "Let's sweet talk, call each other pet names, write to each other, have play fights, kiss, cuddle, hug, say good morning and good night to each othe-"

"No, why would I do that?" he gave me a look "Sorry, continue"

"Let's act like a couple, but we won't be a real couple, and the first person who falls in love loses"

"Wouldn't you be at a disadvantage since you already like me?"

"I like you, Maine. Not love you. And besides, you like me too, so technically we're on a leveled playing field"

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