Love and Lost (Harry Potter)

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A/n: Lately, I've been going through a bit of writers block so the process of writing has been a bit slow. This was requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva


I grin at the sorting hat's loud call of me going to Gryffindor. I walk over to the table with the student who had ushered me to quickly sit. Once I sat down, I can't help but suddenly start feeling anxious of all the attention on me.

"Hey, are you okay?" A bushy-haired girl asked from beside me with a concerned look in her eyes

"Yeah, just a little anxious. I'm not good with these types of things you see" She nodded, understanding the feeling

"I get it. The attention you get from being a new student isn't everyone's cup of tea" She smiled, reaching her hand out "I'm Hermione Granger"

I shook her hand as I spoke my own name. We talked for a while before she started to have a conversation with the other two boys that had been sorted earlier.

Once dinner was finished, we were all escorted to the common rooms, but somehow, along the way, I just got lost. I was now in some sort of dark corridor and Merlin, did I feel terrified. I may be in Gryffindor, but I don't think I have the bravery that the house prides itself on.

"Oh look," A sneer came from behind me. Swiftly, turning around, I'm met with a bleach blonde boy, whom I recognized earlier at the sorting as Draco Malfoy. He was with some to other people that I can't exactly remember the name of. I think was Gondle and Crande? Something along those lines.

"What's a mudblood like you doing here. Lost your way to your common room, have we?" He laughed as the two other boys behind him followed "What is someone like you even doing in the Wizarding world. Salazar knows only the purest of the pure should be able to learn magic"

"Back off, Malfoy" Another voice called from behind the three. The person behind him walked closer and there stood the two boys that Granger was conversing with earlier

"Potter's come back to save the day, is he" Malfoy spat at the bespectacled boy. 'Potter' ushered for the ginger boy beside him towards me. Reluctantly, the ginger approached me and pulled me behind him as we walked past the Slytherins and back beside 'Potter'

"Shove off, Malfoy" Malfoy rolled his eyes before turning to me with a smirk.

"Is this why your father got killed by you-know-who? Because you were too much of a wuss to try and save him?" He smirked when he caught sight of my eyes hardening and looking away from him.

"At least she had a father who loved her enough to sacrifice himself. What type of father do you have"

The two had a stare down before Malfoy scoffed, turning to face the two behind him "Come on boys. They aren't worth my time" They walked away after delivering a final sneer towards us. Once they were gone, I look at the two in gratitude

"Thank you, Potter and thank you..."

"-Weasley. Ron Weasley"

"And I'm Harry. Harry Potter" Potter smiled at me. I smile back and tell them my full name.

"Did you get lost on your way to the common room, Sandell?" He asked as he and Weasley started to walk. I didn't know where they were particularly going, but I just followed. Surely they wouldn't hurt me. Not after saving me from Malfoy

"Yeah... The crowds sort of got hard to follow and I strayed from the group" I say sheepishly, eyes widening when I recognize the place we ended up in. We were back at the great hall! Well, outside the great hall, but it was a start!

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