A Wingwoman (Newt Scamander)

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A/n: This once just sort of hit me whilst I was watching a movie and I thought to write it. I'll also probably be besy for a bit since I'm entering one of those cramming stages in your school life.

Hope this was enjoyed!


Groaning, I say goodbye to my co workers and walk back to my designated hotel. The minister of magic had sent teams of aurors to MACUSA as a service of help, and I was in one of the teams that was asked to stay here for the time. The only thing that was even keeping me sane here was Newt. He had gone on his own small expedition here and got into some trouble with his creatures.

Nearing my hotel door, I see a particularly familiar head of hair waiting for me in front of my hotel room. The smile that crept up my lips was one that I could not control.

"Newt," I called, giving the man a light smile as I opened the door "What are you doing here?" Once the door was open, I usher him into my threshold and shut the door, throwing my coat and purse on the nearest chair to me.

"I have... I have a favor to ask... of - of you" He stumbled on his words. Most would have thought of this as weird and awkward, but I saw it in a cute and an endearing way.

"What is it?" I ask, unwrapping the scarf around my neck and placing it with my coat and purse.

"Well..." He was reluctant in saying whatever he needed to say. Which either meant that it was very important to him or that it was too embarrassing for him to ask of me

"You can tell me anything, Newt. No need to be nervous" I say softly, giving the man the most sincere smile I could muster.

"Tina..." he started. I tried not to let it show on my face how disheartening it was for him to start with that. Lately, she had been the topic of our conversations. Newt seems to really like her and can't say enough good things about her "Well... she's an auror like you... and I thought that maybe you'd help me try to get with her?"

Seeing the surprised look on my face of his request, he added "It's just that both of you have the same profession and I thought that maybe you'd understand her head better than me"

I just nodded, taking in his words. It was happening again. He had asked me for help in our Hogwarts days with Leta before he had gotten expelled and Merlin, why did I have to be nice? Why couldn't I just say no for once? Helga, I should've learned to say no since Newt asked me to help out with Leta, but of course my help did practically nothing since the girl was engaged with Theseus. I should've learned, but nope and now here I am! About to help the man I've been in love with since I was 14 in trying to get with Porpentina Goldstein, the current crush of his life. Helga, when will I ever learn and most importantly when will I ever move on.

"Don't worry" I gave him a small smile "I'll help you"


"Yes, Newt" I chuckle. Seeing his eyes brighten so beautifully when I said I'd helped him hurt, but it still spread warmth inside me knowing that I was the one who made him smile that way.

"I promise I'll pay you back! I- I swear! If you ever need a wingman, then just call me!" I can't help but snort at his offer. Why did I need him to wingman for me when it was him that I wanted? You couldn't count on Newt to even wing man for me as well if the time ever came. He'd get shy in approaching the man and end up not helping me at all.

"If the time will ever come that is" I laugh, going to the bathroom with my hand on my pajamas to change.

"What do you mean? You'll get married and be with someone eventually, won't you?" I hear him shout from the other side of the bathroom door. I roll my eyes and pull down the pajama top.

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