Unbelieving Love (James Potter)

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I've come up with a system where I'll just write in advance then post it later on so that I have a couple of oneshots to spare when I'm incredibly busy. Although this'll probably only be happening just until school starts slowing down again and let's me breathe cuz right now we're currently at one of the busiest times of school in every quarter.



Godric, I hated them. Those nitwits were just utterly useless and couldn't have done a better job to ruin my day. Whether or not this prank was made for me didn't matter anymore. It still ended up on me and merlin if I didn't have any respect for the title I've made for myself I would've given a reaction, but no. I knew better.

With a flick of my wand, I hexed the marauders and had them tumbling to the wall whilst they bore Slytherin colors. The colors they swore to never wear nor mention.

"Let's hope there won't be a next time" I simply spoke before walking away with the red hair. Atleast it wasn't something ridiculous like pink.

You know, I find it unusual, really. I haven't interacted nor even thrown a glance at the marauders yet the single accidental prank I had been a part had me bubbling with anger at the mention of them.

I mean, they were imbeciles honestly. We were now in 6th year and yet the boys went on with antagonizing other students. Not to mention how that Potter boy was still such a dog for Lily. Honestly, he should really just stop. I've had enough nights with the girl telling me how annoying and weird that blasted boy was.

"It's not a bad look on you." Lily spoke, trying to make me feel better "Atleast we're matching now!"

"Honestly, how do you stand him" I ask as we rounded the corner to Transfigurations

"I don't. I just ignore him until it hurts him enough and he walks away" she shrugs "It's cruel, but certainly not like how you are with boys"

I rolled my eyes at her. We were talking about this again.

"Love is stupid, Lily. The whole concept of it is fucking bollocks!" I exclaimed as we entered the classroom. Passing by the glaring eyes of Black and Potter, we went to sit in front. Godric, even the way Potter's eyes softened at the look of Lily and I's linked arms was stupid.

"Tying yourself to someone for eternity because your heart beats for them? Utterly stupid" We sat down and started taking out our parchment, ink well, and quill

"You just don't understand it, Mandra"

"Yes, I do and I still think it's stupid! Anybody who want to be stuck to someone for eternity is stupid. The fights, the boredom, the fakeness and stupidy of it all is something I deem useless"

Lily didn't say anything anymore as Professor McGonagall walked in and started her lessons.

A paper ball was thrown at me amidst the lesson, but I did nothing to give the thrower the satisfaction. Paper balls repeatedly kept getting thrown at me until a stray one ended up hitting Lily and Godric, was she annoyed.

The girl already had occassional problems with focusing in Transfiguration and the paper hitting her whilst doing her notes just blew her up.

Rapidly turning around without McGonagall noticing, her eyes glared at whoever kept throwing them and by what happened after, I could only think that it was Potter and Black. Godric, how childish those two were.

"Godric, those boys are annoying" I heard Lily mutter angrily as she wrote harshly on the parchment.

"I am well aware, Lily. Well aware"

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