Hot Ice (Harry Potter)

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This one kind of suddenly came up to me? I was thinking of something to write when this somehow popped up in my head lmao. 

Anyways, this is a Ravenclaw reader and the first part of this one took place in Half-Blood prince.


What was love? A chemical reaction from the brain? Heartfelt infatuation? Amortentia without having to drink anything? Either way the whole idea of love was bollocks, so why in Rowena's name was my heart beating out of my chest at the sight of Potter handing me flowers?

I knew better than to react though. The whole castle knew about his one sided crush on Chang and the blasted man probably hadn't even moved and was just trying to move on by finding another Ravenclaw to pester.

"Yes, Potter?" I ask the boy who still had a hand full of flowers out for me

"Er flowers," he shared a nervous glance with Weasley "for you"

I just stared at him. Rowena, did he find out about the crush I have on him and this was just a sick joke? Or was this just his way of getting Cho jealous.

"Mhm, and what? You want me to give them to Chang?" I questioned as I took the flowers from him and inspected it.

"What? no! They're for you!" He quickly said. I just nodded at him before walking away and sending the flowers to my bed in the dorm.

Rowena, that boy was insane if he thought that I'd fall in his arms like his other fangirls since they'd found out that he was the chosen one.

"What was that all about?" Padma asked me as Luna and Anthony gave me curious looks

"I don't know." I shrugged "He's Harry Potter. The man has probably lost his mind from all the shit he's been through"

We went on with our N.E.W.T level Potions which we were grateful for that our professor wasn't Snape anymore. Rowena only knows how much that man hates anyone and everyone who wasn't in Slytherin.

Settling beside the group of Gryffindor at the front of the class; we started waiting for Professor Slughorn to start his classes. Soon, the class filled up and we started.

The topic today was Amortentia. Oh dear I could already hear the gears turning in the heads of the girls who had a crush on Potter. Did it bother me? Kind of. Enough to have me sought him out? No.

The class was going well enough when quite literally, two idiots burst through the door. Of course, Potter and Weasley. Weasley and Potter. It really always is the pair of them.

Professor Slughorn had welcomed them and the two nitwits really had to fight for a book because they didn't have theirs yet. Eyes landing on me, he walked a brisk pace and settle on the space beside me.

"Hwang," he acknowledged


The class went on once more and Professor Slughorn had given us the task to recreate a draught; One of which Potter surprisingly won and managed to snatch Liquid Luck from my grasp.

"Goodness, did Potter somehow magically get good at Potions? I swear he wasn't like that in our past years" Anthony commented by Potter's skills earlier

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