Healer turned Babysitter (Draco Malfoy)

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A/n: This one was a bit of a late post since I had so much to do, so it may not be the best that I'd done, but nevertheless I think it's still nice. I also made this another Draco one wince Dracotok appeared again on my fyp and I wanted to do something Draco themed


"Healer Cartier!" The call of my name was sounded from across the floor. Salazar, what was it now. I'm finally on my lunch break after hours of being on my feet and assisting children who were going through health problems.

"Yes, Benjamin?" I asked, turning around to face the intern. Merlin, I found it absolutely amazing on how interns like him had curled up at the sight of any resident or attending that didn't seem like they were in the mood - which in this case, was me.

"Healer Stibbs is calling for you. Something about a particular project that he wanted you to handle?" He explained, fidgeting with his fingers when his resident called for him at one of the patient rooms.

Sighing, I nod and make my way to the head of the Pediatrics Ward. Stibbs had rarely ever asked for me, so if he does then whatever he had to say was meaningful. Knocking on his door, I wait for his consent to go in and when he does, I peek my head in a little before going all in.

"You called for me, Stibbs?" I asked the older man as I sat on one of the two chairs that were set in front of his office table. Nodding, he opened one of his drawers and reached inside. It was a file. He chucked it to me and ushered for me to open it.

I can't help but frown as I look over the whole file. There wasn't much to it. The name of the parents weren't there. There wasn't even a surname! It had all been so anonymous. The only thing that had made sense in the entire file is what the little boy was going through; 3 years old. According to it, the boy was born a little too early than expected and as a result he was growing to be weak and frail. There hadn't been much help done to help the boy and the only guess that the healers have made is that the boy is suffering from lack of maternal warmth.

Maternal warmth was a necessity that children needed to grow. No matter what fatherly love the child receives, maternal love is still something that's very different. Without it babies could completely die. The studies that have been made by some wizards and witches had proven it, so either the mother had ran away or had died whilst giving birth.

"What do you want me to do with this?" I ask, pushing the file back to him. I take a quick glance at the clock and Salazar, my lunch break was going to be over soon. I'd just have to grab a small energy bar as food I guess.

"I want you to be in charge for this VIP patient" Stibbs said as he leaned forward from his chair while his hand were clasped onto each other.

"What- why me?"

"According to the survey that we had given to children here who were receiving patient care, you had been the one that made them feel loved, safe, and important, so it would only makes sense if it's you right?" My heart melted at the confession on how I made my patients feel and I couldn't find myself saying no to the VIP.

"You'll still work here on days, but you'll mostly be with this kid, ensuring that he gets stronger. Then once he's at a good starting point for better recovery, you can stop if you want and come back to do your usuals" Stibbs continued as he wrote down an address on a piece of parchment and handed it to me.

"You'll start next week. Just go to that address and say that you're the healer that's been designated for them. You already know the protocol for VIP's so you'll just know of their identity when you get there"

Merlin, I can already feel fatigue creep up. It isn't the first time I'm handling a VIP patient, so I'm aware of the after effects it has. Sadly, these after effects are not one that I'd gotten used to. Somehow, I always feel extremely drained compared to when I do the usual job.

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